Chapter 13: Reaction

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Deidara Pov
I woke up, with my crazy tangled blonde hair everywhere and all over my bed. It was about 6:00, and Danna was still sleeping.

I decided to get up, and brush my hair so it doesn't start to tangle even more. After that, I walked over to my closet and grabbed my favorite hoodie.

Once I took it off of the hanger, a scroll fell out of the front pocket. Who put this here? Did I?

I picked it up from off of the floor, and opened it up and saw about a paragraph of writing. Who wrote this?

I read,

"I really care about you. I just cant bring myself to tell you. You may think this is a joke, coming from me. But it's not. Believe it, or don't. It's your choice. But at least I told you after decades, right?
From your partner, Sasori."

Did he seriously write this?! I mean, it's his handwriting and everything.. but what if he basically has a twin?! Or a doppelgänger!!

Maybe when he gets up I'll ask him..

*About like an hour later*

I'm finally done with getting myself ready! I looked at myself in the mirror, ready to do anything today.

I wonder if Danna is up yet?

I looked at him and he was STILL. ASLEEP!!!

This is crazy! He's supposed to be awake before me! Just when I was zoning out, I noticed that he had started to get up from his sleep.

Sasori Pov
Damn. I slept in...

Why is he staring at me? And he just looked away? Whatever...

I wonder if he saw my note.

"Good morning Ketchup!" He shouted at me as he turned back to look at me.

Why is he saying such confusing things this.. well early in the morning?

"Ketchup?" I asked in confusion.

"Whatever, you won't get it." He said, disappointed. "Anyways, you won't believe what I found! It's hilarious!!"

Is it the scroll?

He opened up the scroll, showed it to me, and started laughing.

"Hahaha!! Did you actually write this Ketchup?!"

"Stop calling me Ketchup! And I don't know, DID I write it?!"

I knew he wouldn't believe it.

"But seriously my man, did you write this? It sounds.. well kinda awkward thinking you wrote this!"

"You're the reason I wrote it on that scroll, I don't wanna say it to your face cause it's "awkward" to you!" I mumbled under my breath.


"Nothing. Why don't you compare it well with MY writing then?"

"Ugh.. what ever you say, KETCHUP. Well if you say so, why don't you give me a scroll of your writing?"

"No? Find one yourself." I spat out, finally getting up.


He's getting on my nerves. I'll just give him a scroll with my writing, I'm tired of him not understanding what I'm trying to say!!

I walked over to my desk and opened a drawer. I grabbed a scroll and made sure my writing was on it, and that it also had a really similar writing on the scroll I gave Deidara since my handwriting sometimes changes.

When I saw the scroll had met the requirements, I grabbed it and closed my drawer.


I tossed the scroll to Deidara, or rather "mustard." He couldn't even catch the scroll either.

"Ay! Thanks!"

I watched him compare them well together on his bed, and I saw shock suddenly appearing on his face as he looked at both of the scrolls up and down.

"This is your writing!"

He looked at me, surprised as I quickly scurried out of the room.

Shit, now he knows! Well.. I was technically the one who gave him the scroll. Fuck!

After 100 minutes, I went downstairs to get breakfast. And I looked really ugly. My hair was messy, I was wearing my sleeping clothes too...

"Hello Sasori, why don't you stay and eat breakfast with us today?" Pain asked me.

"I was planning on doing that, thanks.. I guess." I replied.

I grabbed my breakfast plate, thanked Konan for making it for me, and sat down next to Itachi. Since he is the only non annoying one here..

Deidara Pov
Dude, He actually wrote this! I can't believe it.. Konan was right!

Oh my god! Wait, where did he even end up going? Ohh... he got his breakfast. Well, since he cares about me, Im gonna go join him!

I opened the door and walked downstairs and I saw him sitting next to Itachi, and thankfully the other seat next to him was open.

As I was quite literally staring at him, I realized he had spotted me, and I looked away quickly.

I had finally arrived downstairs and Konan greeted me.

"Hi Dei! How are you? Hungry?" She said, happily as usual.

"I'm good Kona!" I said, with a big smile on my face.

I finally walked over to her to get my breakfast, and sat down next to Danna.

"Hi... Ketchup." I said, looking at him. He looked at me back.

"QUIT CALLING ME KETCHUP! YOU.. uh. Mustard. I guess. Yea... Erm." He said with anger, and toned it down in embarrassment.

I started to laugh really hard. Mustard? Seriously? Hah!!

But still, why does he think that of me? I thought he hated me to be honest.

Tysm for waiting for me to publish a new chapter! I took so long, and I really apologize!

Have a good day everyone! <3


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