Chapter 14: What does Love mean

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Deidara Pov
I was just getting back to the hideout after buying some more clay for my art.

When I opened the door to the hideout, I didn't notice that Sasori was right in-front of the door, and slammed it open in his face.

"What the hell?! Deidara! What's wrong with you?!"

"Not my fault! You didn't warn me you were there! Plus, why are you even standing there?!"

We both argued for a few minutes.

"Whatever, I'm going somewhere." He told me, about to step out of the door.

"Wait!" I grabbed him by the wrist, "Where are you going? Can I come? Please?"


"Why not? I thought we were friends!"

"Fine, just don't be inpatient."

I smiled at him, and we both walked out of the door on the way.

"So, where are we going?"

"I'm just going to get food, since Konan just went on a mission and no one can cook other than Pain, and I just wanna get food outside after a while."

"Oo! We should definitely eat together." I suggested. "So what are we gonna eat?"

"Erm.. Uh. Maybe.." He paused for a second, "We can eat whatever you want."

"Okay, do you want to eat ramen then Sasori?"

"I guess."

They got to the restaurant (idk what to call it) and ordered their food already. They sat next to each other, and started a long conversation.

"Hey, so, Deidara."


"Well like, you know how people like... love each other you know."

"Yeah? Where are you going with this?"

"I want to know what that means, because I'm very confused. I already looked at it through the dictionary and it's really stupid. I always hear couples and all that saying, "oh yeah I love you so much," blah blah, and it's just gotten to me. I also have a person in mind.."

That's weird. Sasori has never "loved" anyone. Also, who even is this person he has in mind? I know I love him, but what if he doesn't love me too? And what if he likes Konan instead of me or something? Like maybe she's the person in his mind.. Never-mind, surely not.

"Hmm.. I'm honestly not sure. It's basically like, having a deep feeling for someone or something." I said, thinking to myself still, "It goes both ways, like having a crush on someone, or just having a great feeling about someone / something."

"Oh, okay. Well if it means that, I think I have a-"

He got interrupted by the waitress, serving us our ramen.

"Finally, the food!" I said, my stomach was about to kill me.

I saw Sasori just staring at the ramen, silently.

"So, what were you gonna say Sasori?"

"Nothing, never mind."

"Okay, let's eat then!"

Sasori Pov (After finishing their Ramen)

I hate people. I was trying to tell Deidara that I have a crush on him, and now I can't because of that stupid waitress and now I don't feel like saying it anymore!

"I'll pay for it!" He told me, with a smile on his face.

"Uh, no. I'll pay for it.. I was the one who "invited" you to eat together."

He looked at me disappointed, but he still let me pay.

Out of the restaurant

"So Deidara, do you want to buy anything? Like.. that I can pay for."

"My man, why are you being so nice to me? Paying for my stuff, asking if a want anything, this is crazy! Well, in a good way!"

I stopped and thought to myself.

He's right, I am being weirdly nice lately. But isn't that what love is? Being nice to that person?

"Isn't that what love is Deidara? Like you know... being nice?" I asked.

He had a look of shock on his face. I could even read his face. "Sasori asking about love, that's crazy weird and it's crazy weird for him to be nice too!"

"Can we sit down for a bit real quick?" He asked me, pointing to a bench.

I nodded and we both walked there and sat down.

"So my man, just a question.. not to be weird or anything.. But you know how you said you have a person in mind of someone you love?"


"Well, is that person me? Like, I'm not trying to be weird or anything but you know-"

"Yes, it is Deidara. That is why I asked what Love meant. It's because, well.. I love you. But I still don't get what it means! I'm not trying to be weird to you! I'm sorry.."

He looked at me in complete shock. He still looked happy though.. or should I have kept my mouth shut? Damn, Sasori!


Sorry that I took so long.. I feel so bad :(

I'm also really sorry that this chapter is kind of short. I'm really busy :((

Thanks for reading.


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