To the Chief of the Takao Prefectural Police HQ and School Principals

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To the Chief of the Takao Prefectural Police Headquarters and others / To the principals of Elementary Schools in Takao City and the Principals of Secondary Schools in Takao Prefecture


High Police Department No. 0202 No. 2

Day 2 Month 2 Heisei 27


To Chief of Takao Prefecture Police Headquarters

To Director of Regional Division, Takao Prefecture Police Headquarters

To Director of Police Department, Takao Prefecture Police Headquarters

Director General, Police Department

(Official seal omitted)

Security Measures for the Visit of the Delegation from the Principality of Qua-Toyne to Japan

Regarding the subject at hand, as already notified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it is anticipated that the delegation will arrive at Takao Port Commercial Pier No. 2 at 15:00 on February 4 of this year. Therefore, to strengthen security measures at the pier, it is requested that all police officers under the jurisdiction of the prefectural police force be mobilized to ensure comprehensive security.

The regional director of the prefectural police force is instructed to command the police officers under their jurisdiction, deploy patrol units at regular intervals near the pier, conduct appropriate questioning by patrol officers, and ensure the safety of the delegation members.

The director of the prefectural police force's High Police Department is instructed to oversee the police officers under their jurisdiction, monitor the movements of surveillance targets residing around the pier, and conduct searches if necessary using methods such as questioning.

The prefectural police headquarters director is tasked with ensuring the smooth execution of duties by the aforementioned prefectural police executives and may assign additional support to facilitate command.

This directive is classified as extremely confidential, and special attention should be paid to the handling of the document.


Prefectural Office Departure 0202 No. 1

Prefectural School Departure 0202 No. 2

Day 2 Month 2 Heisei 27

To the Principals of Various Elementary Schools in Takao City

To the Principals of Various Youth Schools in Takao City

To the Principals of Various Middle Schools in Takao Prefecture

To the Principals of Various Higher Girls' Schools in Takao Prefecture

To the Principals of Various Vocational Schools in Takao Prefecture

To the Principals of Various Private Schools

Takao Prefecture Education Inspector

(Official seal omitted)

Director of Takao Prefecture Education Department

(Official seal omitted)

Welcoming Actions Upon the Arrival of the Delegation from the Principality of Qua-Toyne

Regarding the subject at hand, as already announced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it is anticipated that the delegation will arrive at Takao Port at 15:00 on February 4 of this year. With the announcement of the first diplomatic mission after the transfer to another world visiting our Takao Prefecture, there is a growing movement among the citizens of our city to welcome them with the participation of the entire citizenry, evolving into a significant civic movement, as even recognized by the prefectural government. Particularly in the primary and secondary educational institutions, which nurture the future citizens, there are movements to raise voices of welcome near the port on the day of arrival, primarily led by the children and students.

This sentiment is admirable. The stance of welcoming tomorrow's friends with cheers cannot help but evoke the spirit of friendship, trust, and universal love as stated in the Imperial Rescript on Education. The prefectural administrative authorities have earnestly recognized the embodiment of the sincere feelings of tomorrow's youth and deemed that fostering their noble spirit is not only beneficial to our prefecture but also contributes to the educational administration of our nation.

Therefore, concerning cases where certain prefectural and city educators have been guided by misinterpretations of legal regulations such as the School Regulations and Guidelines for the Instruction of Children and Students to restrict the political actions of young people, it is judged that there were errors in legal interpretation, and thus, through a directive from the prefectural inspector, these instructions to educators should be corrected.

Furthermore, regarding the spirit of actions where children and students actually move to port facilities to voice their welcome, as mentioned earlier, while the prefectural authorities endorse such actions, there are numerous points that children and students should be aware of during actual execution, including preventing trouble with other children and students on-site, consideration for nearby residents, and adherence to traffic regulations. Therefore, school principals are urged by the director of the prefectural educational affairs department to promptly convene parent-teacher associations and implement measures such as seeking support and cooperation from parents, ensuring that the spirit of the children and students' welcoming actions on the day is not tarnished by troubles or otherwise, and this request is particularly emphasized to each school principal.


Public Security Police and Security Police are successors to the Special Higher Police. In this world, Tooru Amuro from Detective Conan is a Special Higher Police detective.

The flow from questioning to obstruction of official duties. In a sense, it's predictable.

For a directive document, it's incredibly spirited.

School principals are middle managers caught between the government and parents.

- Monamoro

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