Thirteen: Enduring

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One Month Later

Despite her best efforts, Kristyne's body would not let her die.

It was not for a lack of trying, that much was certain. She tried not to eat, but they shoved it down her throat when she refused. She could not find a single item sharp enough to pierce her heart. All she had was the blanket and a bedpan. The food she received was bread, and fruit occasionally, wrapped in a napkin. No utensils to use, and no plate to sharpen.

She felt like she was losing her mind, so she stayed in her memories as much as possible. She still hadn't grasped the loss of Jace, and she felt guilt when she thought of poor Jaehaerys dying in his place. Of all the things they could have done to retaliate, why would Rhaenyra and Daemon kill an innocent child?

Doyle Tram entered the cell to grab Kristyne, dragging her to a different one. She didn't even bother standing, they'd drag her either way.

They sat her down in front of the water barrel, Doyle in front of her and Tram behind her, hand on her neck.

"Are you ready to swear for King Aegon?"

"This is getting old," she sighed. She closed her eyes as Tram shoved her head into the water. She'd learned to control her breathing by now, but it was still torture. She was still suffocating each time it happened.

Once her head was pulled back up, she spit the water out. "Aren't you tired of doing the same shit every day?"

Doyle backhanded her. "You are a traitor, you shall not act as if you are better than us."

She let out another sigh as her head was pushed back in.

Day in, day out. The routine was one she counted on, it helped her keep track of the days as more time passed. At this point, it had been fifty-five days since she fell off Arrax.

Fifty-five days and yet she never saw Aemond. She didn't know why she expected him to, he was the one that brought her here. But wouldn't he want to taunt her? She needed some excitement.

She was staring at the ceiling when her hands began to tremble.

Luke was landing and panicking. "Fuck!" He screamed.

"Luke?" Rhaenyra ran out to greet him. "That was not very long, did you secure Borros' sup- where is Kristyne?"

Luke shook his head, tears falling down his cheek as he stumbled. "S-She fell, Mother! Oh gods, I killed her! I couldn't hear here, Mama, oh gods!"

He was hyperventilating, a stumbling mess as his vision blurred with tears.

"Luke," Rhaenyra caught him and sat on the ground, holding him in her arms.

"Aemond was there and we all left in such a hurry, I took off before making sure she was secure. She fell, and I killed her!"

"Luke, my sweet boy, that is not your fault," Rhaenyra clenched her eyes shut as tears fell down her cheeks. "It is the Greens' fault, the blame lies with them."

"How? The blame is mine!" He yelled.

"Luke, you would not have to leave in such haste if not for Aemond! Please, I do not want to see you torment yourself."

"I failed her, Mother. She was my sister, and I could not protect her!"

Kristyne cried. Lucerys blamed himself when she fell to protect him. She had not planned on falling, but she could have found a way to stay on if she willed it. But falling kept Aemond away from Luke.

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