Chapter 2: Amber Rose

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She sat watching from the hospital bed as the nurses brought her the baby boy she had been waiting for. 9-months of complications , the doctors said you'd never survive but I knew you would. She thought as the tall midwife approached her with her baby. She placed the small previous soul in her arms, Amber could only look in delight at her new son. The tears ran out of her eyes like water out of a breaking dam. She was so happy he had lived.
"Hi" she whispered to the young life she held. She continued to talk,
"They all said you wouldn't be here but I knew a little heart was beating in there" the whole time keeping the noise level at a whisper.
The other doctors lead away and asked to take the baby to its cot and of course she couldn't say no. The midwife to her son, and her own scraggly hair, to the cot room.

Not long after they left, a smartly dressed man in a beige suit slowly made his way into the room, he black Oxford shoes didn't allow him though. The clicks of his could be heard for miles. He was carrying a black briefcase with an ivory handle, obviously not a man who plays by the rules.
"Hello, Ms.Rose. I'm Tomas Duke, your lawyer" he said, his good looks distracting her, he looked about twenty-three.
"Ah, yes. My father told me he had booked the best in the business, would you say this is true?" Amber asked, cautious as to whom this man was.
"Most indefinitely" he answered with a suave voice. He had a strong British accent, this was strange in LA as most people aren't attracted to this part of the state, they normally go to the huge conventions that were only starting to become a trend. He had a look of sophistication about him. The way he moved was smooth and everything he did combined into one slow moving action.
"Well ok then, what is you'd like to speak to me about?" Amber inquired as she looked him up and down.
"May I take a seat before our small discussion?" He wondrously said, still sustaining a polite manner.
"You may" She replied, stifling a smile on her exhausted face. She was so obsessed with his eyes already. They're amazing. She thought to herself as she increasingly became in love with his emerald eyes. She felt a feeling of being whisked away into a world of riches and jewellery where anything and everything appears at her desire. She started to imagine being on a slow moving Amsterdam cruise with him and she slowly spiralled into a feeling of love.
"Madam?" Tom said as if he was afraid for her health. Oh no! I must've zoned out! Think of something to say, Amber, quickly! . She scanned her brain to try and think of a correct response.
"Sorry, the tiredness is catching up on me. May we talk another time?" She asked.
"If you would like that Ms.Rose?" He said as he stood up from the chair he must've sat at while she was in her own dreamland. She nodded. He slowly stretched up and walked out of the room, without saying goodbye. His suitcase in hand.

Amber lay there for a while, listening to the hustle of the hospital ward. She could here the cry of a women seeing her newborn; she could here the mourning of a mother seeing a stillborn. The thought of her baby being stillborn preyed on her mind since the first day she found out she became pregnant and when Jack had hit her didn't help. He still loved her, she loved him until she had been dazed by the eyes of Tom Duke. The way he walked and talked just brought a shiver to her flustered spine. She couldn't believe it. She was falling in love at the age of thirty all over again.

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