Chapter 10: Jack Herring

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Jack awakened back in his Mercedes, only this time Hux was driving. He didn't know where he was going or, more to the point, where he had been. He couldn't tell by his clothes for they were exactly the same as they were when he last saw them. He couldn't tell how long he'd been out for, he was stretched across the brown leather seats. His large body wasn't built for this. He sat up and looked over at Hux, Hux looked back.

"rough night, you passed out in the hospital so they told me to take you home due to the fact everything was so busy, I got the supplies for the investigation of Tomas Duke while you were out" stated Hux with a slightly proud tone. Jack nodded and put on his seatbelt, he was going let anything else interrupt the investigation and with his luck a car crash would be the one thing to kill him. He kept looking around the car to see if anything had change because for once Hux had did something right so Jack was making sure he wasn't dreaming. His quick eyes darted all over the car, scanning for any differences. He analysed every mound of brown stitching just to be sure. Hux began to speed up as they got onto the free way. Hux always was a man who looked for any reason to go faster, so taking this route to Jacks let  him do just that. As the car gained speed Jack looked out the window and saw a black Porsche pulled up next to them, inside the car was Tomas Duke. 

"Hux, keep calm but Tomas Duke is driving next to us. Slow down and pull behind him and tail him."

"Wait, he'll see us" Hux replied.

"He doesn't know who we are"

"ok, whatever you say" Hux said as he pulled the car behind Tomas Duke's. They tailed him every turn he took after the free way until he came to the old docks which Jack was investigating. Tomas got out the car with a pistol. Hux pulled out his military grade pistol and got out the drivers door. 

"Listen, I don't have your money yet but, I-I can get boss, I promise" pleaded Tomas. 

"You don't owe us any money, Duke" replied Hux

"Oh crap! You're cops!" just as Tomas said that he opened fire on Hux and Jack, Hux ducked behind the car door while Tomas got back into his car and sped away. Jack hopped into the driving seat and called for back up as Hux jumped into the passenger seat. They were hot on his tail. Got him now. Jack imagined the pay rise he would get for this and how it would help him piece his own life together. 

Tomas turned various corners and this lead them onto some train tracks. Tomas sped up and attempted to stay on the train tracks as he tried to lose Jack and Hux. That's when Jack saw the lights advancing on them. A vociferous horn sounded and Tomas' car swerved. The right side tyre of Jack and Hux's car was caught between a piece of wood and the metal beam that the train wheels sat upon. The car spun and twisted and flipped to a halt. Jack saw the lights come hurdling toward them and another ear-splitting horn was sounded. Jack managed to pull himself out of the crumpled frame of the car and in the few seconds that he stumbled away from the car, a huge clash was heard behind him and as he turned around he saw the car tumble to the left of the train and a ball of flames engulfed the engine. Jack sat and just watched Tomas' car drive away into the dusty skyline and as the train screeched to a halt he knew he had lost two things. Hux and my job are gone

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