... with a Phone Call

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I only needed a solar eclipse to update! Yay!


The next day, Simón left two more marks on Ámbar's chest.

It was during lunchtime, which was rare because, usually, after a night like that, they didn't need to satiate any more urges so soon after. But the pause in activity had been felt by both of them, and now that they could do it again, they didn't seem to want to wait at all.

"I can't stop thinking about last night," Ámbar breathed between kisses and hurried hands, yanking off his clothes with the same urgency as her tone of voice. "I can't concentrate on anything."

Simón groaned and held her against his body, and then he gave her what she wanted and fucked her into the mattress.

There was something so satisfying about reducing such a strong force of nature like Ámbar into a gasping, whining mess with just a few bucks of his hips. She always had a witty comeback at the ready, an ironic comment aimed at whoever talked to her, but when she was like this, with him, she felt so much that Simón could leave her speaking in tongues.

It filled him with pride. It incited him to give more.

After, when they were dressing back up to grab something to eat (Simón shouldn't have unraveled her for as long as he did, now they'd have to eat fast if they didn't want to go over their lunch hour, but he'd missed this) Ámbar saw the new hickeys on her breasts and laughed, saying she didn't know he had this side of him.

Honestly, Simón didn't know either. It took seeing Ámbar wearing nothing but his shirt for him to realize just how much he liked it, and he couldn't deny the surge of primal satisfaction upon seeing the marks on Ámbar's breasts and neck. It looked sexy. She looked his.

Luckily, Ámbar said she didn't mind, as long as they were few and nowhere visible, and as long as he allowed her to mark him too. Simón had no issue with that. In fact, part of him wanted her to leave the most obvious love bite on his neck and then have her show her own ones too just so he could flaunt them in front of Benicio like— See? We're very happy together, stop being a pest.

But that would be petty of him, and he would feel bad using Ámbar like that, as if she were an object he wanted to show off. He felt a little disgusting just for thinking about it, so Simón pushed the urge down, down, down, until he could barely feel it at all. Besides, his imagination-self was way more shameless than he actually was. If Simón really walked around with a hickey on his neck, he'd die of embarrassment.

There was nothing to prove anyway. Benicio could've been bluffing when he spoke about that spot on Ámbar's neck—A lucky guess. But even if he wasn't, it didn't matter. Ámbar chose Simón. Perhaps they'd been seeing each other less than usual the past few days, but every morning without fail they had breakfast together, and when the time came for Simón to leave, instead of saying goodbye, they always said: 'I love you.'

"Have a nice day, I love you."

"See you later, I love you."

"I'm running late, gotta go, love you."

I love you, I love you, I love you. That was the one thing important.

Throughout the next few days, they saw each other a little more actually, which came as a pleasant surprise to Simón. A couple of official, Manager things required Ámbar's presence in the Roller, starting with the arrival of the new hires Ámbar had been requesting from Vidia for a while. They were three part-timers who would be taking over the weekends from now on so that Pedro, Eric, and Simón himself, could rest: two girls who would be in charge of the cafeteria, Cata (or Cat for short) and Rae, and one guy who would be the rink assistant and in charge of the lockers, called Alex.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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