Chapter 44

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January 29th, 1975.

"So, how great was I yesterday?" Morgan said as a form of greeting as she sat down on Gryffindor's table with the boys and took the last pastry on the plate, the scowl a girl close by gave her made Morgan shrug a half-meant apology her way. "Honestly, I shock myself every time with how amazing I am,"

"Yes, you were great," James rolled his eyes and waved an annoyed hand, getting a disapproving look from Remus at his side. "Can we move on now?"

"Hey, be nice," Peter who was next to Morgan said to James in front of them and served some coffee to the girl, which she gladly drank. "You're not rivals anymore. She played great and so will you in a few weeks, Prongs,"

Morgan nodded with a small smile and when Peter wasn't looking she stuck her tongue out to James, getting a chuckle from Remus and a glare from Gryffindor's quidditch captain.

"Except that we are," James said harshly. "We're all competing for the cup,"

"Oh, I don't think we're rivals," Morgan shrugged.

"See, if she can get past it, so can you, Prongs," Remus said, trying to be diplomatic.

Morgan lifted her index finger in a sign to wait and let her finish. Remus sighed and rolled his eyes, knowing he'd spoken too soon.

"I mean we're not rivals because Slytherin has won two out of its two matches, which gives us a fair shot at the cup. And Gryffindor won..." She pretended to think for a second and pouted. "None?"

"That's it. I'll kill her," James hit the table with his palms and went to get up but Remus pulled him back down by his collar shirt. "Hey, I'm trying to defend our house, Moony,"

"Just shut up, mate," Peter chuckled and high-fived Morgan under the table. Too amused at how easily James got riled up when Quidditch came up.

"Anyways, my greatness aside," Morgan cleared her throat and said. "I'm missing one here. Where's the fourth idiot?"

"Did she just say she misses Sirius?" Peter asked dramatically.

"I don't think she meant it like that..." James started. "But I do think she internally does,"

"Definitely, look at her all worried about him," Remus added, containing his laugh at her sudden straight face.

"She can hear you," Morgan interrupted them before they could go on.

"Padfoot is over there," Rem pointed at Hufflepuff's table. "Probably getting himself some plaything for today,"

"Hey, don't talk about girls like that," Morgan said before. But when she actually saw him flirting with some sixth-year, playing with her hair as he sweet-talked her, she scowled. "Girls are idiots sometimes. He's an arse. How do they not see it?"

"Oh, I think they see it just fine," James nodded a few times and shrugged. "They just don't care,"

"Stupid," Morgan couldn't get her eyes away from Hufflepuff's table, but she kept talking. "Honestly, he's such a whore sometimes,"

"You're just jealous," Remus told her, not giving a shit if she murdered him because of it. "So either suck it up or do something about it. But don't torture us by telling us what a whore our friend is. We're already aware,"

Morgan tore her gaze away from Sirius and frowned. Even James smacked Remus in the arm. "I mean, ouch?"

"Sorry, Mor," he sighed. "I'm just tired,"

Morgan nodded and shrugged, unaffected. The full moon was tomorrow. She could take all the bad mood he got in him if it helped him let some of it out. Especially after the attack on the Slugh party day. It'd been bad. Morgan had grabbed some extra dessert from the dinner and took it to Remus, who at first slammed the door of his room in her face but after a few minutes of bribing him with the chocolate cake he'd let her in and they'd talked it out. People had been all saying things after that day. Hurtful things against werewolves. All because some group of them decided to join Voldemort. It wasn't fair. But he was better now, thank Merlin.

Memento Mori - Sirius BlackHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin