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It was already night when Jungkook come back home from the secret basement it was almost 9 pm in night. He is late because He was having an important meeting with his senior officers which take 2-3 hour to end after that he went back to the basement and torture them with more aggression for 3 hour. Now he's worried about his wife because until now taehyung must have been seen his rapists death news on newschannel and he is just praying that taehyung will be alright.

Jungkook hurriedly parked his outside of his house and get down from it and hurriedly walk towards his house main door and rang bell but no answer he again tried but still no answer he is now getting worried he again tried but still no answer. Sighing worried he made his way towards his car again and started to find spare key of the house. He forgot in hurry that he have spare key with him. After finding for few minutes he finally found it in his office bag after picking up it he run towards his house and fastly opened the damn door .

After coming inside his house he get shocked when he find whole house was filled with darkness not even a single lightbulb was on. He got scared, very scared for his wife knowing his suicidal thought, he, in rush on every light and then run upwards towards thier bedroom breathing heavily. Running he abruptly stopped in infront of his room and hold the doorknob for opening of the door but it was locked from inside.

Jungkook shout frustrated with all the events, he should have stopped telecasting of news in his home.

He tried to open the door again but it nothing happened.

Sighing he take deep breath backing away from the door and then run towards it to break it but it didn't break in one attempt, so tried again and again and finally in 5th attempt he hear 'click' sound means the door lock is broken.

With shaky hands he slowly opened the door and entered inside,room was fully dark making it impossible for him to find taehyung Or see anything with steady step he walk towards switch board and tap on room light button and soon whole room light up and he find his wife but the scene infront him was nowhere near pleasant because taehyung was there on floor beside bed unconscious with a bloodied hand.

Jungkook run towards taehyung and kneel infront of him taking his head upon his thighs and with his left hand check taehyung pulse which was slow but still there.

"Why you did this love!? "
Jungkook mumble crying while wrapping his handkerchief around taehyung palm which have deep cut.after that jungkook took a look at taehyung face, it was soaked in sweat,dry tear strains on them, breathing slow, lips parted away which had turned little dry and bluish. He know that he have to take action fastly Or else he'll loose his wife.

"Please be alright! "
Mumbling jungkook pick up taehyung in his arm and run downstairs and then outside fastly.

He put taehyung on the backseat and he, himself run towards driver seat and take his seat and then start car with shaky hands. Because he is scared, very much, he knows he was not there when taehyung tried to do suicide but now he is in taehyung still he couldn't stop him from doing such thing.

"FOR WHAT I HAD ASSIGNED YOU BOTH HERE!!!!you two wait till I come then I'll see you both in my way!!!!Lock the fucking door and don't let anyone come inside! "
Jungkook said rolling his eyes on seeing scared stopping infront of the guard who nod fearfully because he knows if jungkook is telling that then no one can save them from jungkook.after that jungkook drive away not knowing his heart will broke into million pieces.

Jungkook stopped his car right in front hospital entrance and didn't care about parking it. He hurriedly get rid of his seat belt and get down from the car and practically run towards backdoor and open it taking out taehyung in his arms and run inside shouting doctor and nurse.

𝐉𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐊𝐎𝐎𝐊'𝐬 𝐓𝐀𝐄𝐇𝐘𝐔𝐍𝐆  Where stories live. Discover now