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Jungkook hurriedly walk towards taehyung room while holding taehyung favorite cake and flower in both of his hand.
He reach in front of the room, and he can clearly hear taehyung shouting and cries. With trembling hand he opened the door and the site in front of him was heart clenching. There inside taehyung was curled up in a ball while hiding his face in his knees mumbling tiny broken words.

"Sir, please make him lay straight! This position is dangerous for his stitches"
Doctor said on feeling jungkook presence. Jungkook nod in agreement and walk towards coffee table and put cake box and bouquet there.

"Jaan "
Saying that jungkook walk towards taehyung and stand in front of his face.

"You all can go doctor. Seeing you all he'll panick more. "
Doctor nod in understanding and went out of the room leaving jungkook with his crying baby.

"Baccha, look who's here!? "
Jungkook whisper near trembling taehyung.

Taehyung shout while trying to hide his body more from the invader.

"It's me your husband, jungkook. Don't be scared of me"
Jungkook whisper softly and was about to touch taehyung but it didn't happen coz taehyung yank him away and crawl at the side of bed while crying and joining his hand.

"P-please leave me..... I d-don't want this....... P-please hyungs! "
Taehyung crawl more while joining his hands, his broken plead filled sobs echoed inside the silent room. Till now jungkook had understand that taehyung is in sub space and is thinking about that dreadful day.

"I'll not do anything love " Saying that jungkook walk other side of bed and stand behind taehyung.

"I'm here, no one can touch even a strand of your hair, my jahaan"
Jungkook whisper near taehyung ear softly and scooped his fluff ball in his arms who thrash around a lot but couldn't able to get out of his muscular arms which were around taehyung in a soft way.

"Shh.... Shh.... Don't think about those people..... Think about your happy moments in life....... Your special person"
Jungkook whisper more tenderly like he is talking to little baby while fixing taehyung hospital clothes and machine which were connected with his body.

Taehyung didn't relaxed but his thrashing slowed down a little much to jungkook relief.jungkook didn't left taehyung but sit in front of him and guide his head on his chest and pat his back body while caressing his long brown hair.

"I d-don't have anyone "
After few minutes taehyung mumble brokenly. Jungkook heart clenched at taehyung words.

"What about your husband jahaan"
Jungkook ask softly as he rubbed taehyung back and massage his scalp.

"He is a good man......he take care of me.... He even cooks for.... He is perfect but i don't deserve him "
Jungkook understand that taehyung only take him as his special person. If not then why will he only remember him in his panick state. He smile little and cupped taehyung face in his big palm and scan his whole face, taehyung whole face was red, face was filled with tear stained and snot, lips wobbling.

"Nobody else is more deserving than you for him. You're his queen of heart. Don't ever talk like this "
Jungkook joined both of thier forehead together and look into taehyung teary almond eyes with his love filled bambi eyes.

"But I'm tainted....... I'm not pure anymore"
Jungkook shook his head slightly at it but didn't broke eye contact between them.

"You're pure as water, no matter how much people try to dirty it but still it comes pure and saves billions of people lives. Same in your case, you're the reason for my lifeline, without you I'm like thirsty sand.you're a part of great God, who takes his time to made someone like you, who is beyond everyone imaginations, so don't disrespect his hardwork for some diry leech. You're my taehyung, you're my pride, you're my soul, you're my everything... Without whom I can't live for a second "
Jungkook whisper each and every word with his heart while caressing taehyung cheek bones with his thumbs. While taehyung just stare at him with something he can't name.

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