♡Chapter 15- Proposal ♡

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Hlo lilacs <3 and readers sorry if I sound little rude or whatever. I am truly sorry if I hurt someone with my following words . No hate or offense to anyone regarding this discussion. I don't know I felt like I am rude so better saying sorry atfirst itself... GO Ahead .....

First of all about this word 'BAVA'. Let me make it clear for you all . In SOUTH INDIA especially Telugu and Tamil households 'Cross cousins' marry each other not cousins.

I will clarify all the doubts regarding that word and relations. I even confirmed twice from my mother about these relations even my mother calls my dad 'bava' but they are not related by blood. They are married with trope called Arrange Marriage and my mom calls my dad as bava due to her interest. Even many wifes calls their husbands by BAVA, MAMA , BUJJI , EVANDI .etc etc These all words are most common to hear from in South India .
EVANDI means respectful meaning . That word can be used for elders in terms of calling them .

If any people from North India or other parts of India are reading then this message is for you all. I am just saying how all this relations work.

I hate this cousin marriages that's why I chose different plot in my book. I hope you won't take it rude because I am explaining all these . I just want to make sure that you all won't take my BOOK in different aspect like others. I am not saying those who write cousin marriage tropes are at fault. I am just saying because my BOOK is different.

Not all books have cousin marriage tropes and not every book contains normal marriage tropes. Every Author have their own potential and they deserve their respect for their hard work while I deserve for my own hard work.

No hate to anyone who writes cousin marriage tropes. That's why I am explaining about this term called BAVA .

This word is not used by cousin brothers or sisters . This word is only used by Cross cousins, married couple , brother in law [ means jiju] or for sister's husband etc.

Wait I will explain with our characters .

Suppose let's take Pranitha and Rohith itself. Here they are not biologically connected. They are bounded with this 'marriage bond' that's why their family members became relatives. First their both families were friends later their relation started with marriage bond. Which is common in society and all with arrange marriage trope but not this kind of marriagebond. I am also against this kinda of cheating marriages. Here Pranitha knew them since her 16 years and they are very close to her that's why she addressed them with relation as her parents instructed even though she doesn't know about her marriage with Rohith until she got to know before her kidnap in BOOK.

Bava is also known as mama in Tamil Nadu . They address their Bava as mama too. Even mama means father in law .

Even Rohith calls Yashwanth as bava because Pranitha and Yashwanth should address their family with same relation. If Pranitha calls Rohith's mother as Mother in law then automatically she will become Mother in law for Yashwanth too.
If you all wonders about what Pranitha calls other brothers of Rohith. Let me explain.

She can call Rohith, Riyan and Rithwik as bava but not Reyansh and Saransh . As she is elder than both . So she calls them as maridhi [ devar or small bro in law ]

Even Madhurima can call Rohith, Riyan and Rithwik with that word 'BAVA'. As she will have the same relation after her Marriage with Rithwik. Eventually Yashwanth will become brother to her and Pranitha's family will become her relatives too. But their bonding will be quietly different . That relation is not big problem but if anyone wants to know you can ask in comments section or if any telugu reader is free to explain without any curse words are welcomed.

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