chapter 27 |apple|

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For those who had already read chapter 26 forget that chapter, i realized it didn't made enough sense i guess and i thought of a better plot so i rewrote half of that chapter please re-read it 🙏


 |Sonic's POV|

The days blurred together as I trudged through the forest, my stomach growling with hunger and my body growing weaker with each passing hour. I drank from the clear lakes I stumbled upon, the cool water offering a brief respite from the relentless heat of the sun.

But my stolen food quickly dwindled, leaving me with hunger that refused to be ignored. Each step became a struggle, my legs heavy and my vision blurring as exhaustion threatened to overtake me.

Just when I thought I couldn't go on any longer, Through the dense foliage, I caught sight of an apple tree, its branches heavy with ripe fruit. With renewed determination, I approached the tree, my mouth watering at the thought of fresh food.

Climbing over the fence, I reached out to pluck an apple from the tree. But as I did, the fence gave way beneath me, sending me tumbling to the ground. Darkness closed in around me as I lost consciousness, the world fading away into nothingness.

When I finally woke up, the world was a blur of colors and shapes. A concerned face hovered above me, their eyes filled with worry. "Are you alright?" the voice asked, its tone gentle and concerned.

Alertness surged through me as I struggled to sit up, my heart pounding in my chest.

"Calm down im not here to hurt you," she said, her voice soft but firm. "Im blaze and what were you doing stealing apples from my garden?"

Caught off guard by her kindness, I stumbled over my words as I tried to explain my situation. "I'm sorry," I stammered, my voice shaky. "I didn't mean to steal, I was just so hungry... And I've been lost for 2 days"

Blaze's expression softened, her eyes filled with understanding. "It's alright," she said gently. "You look like you've been through a lot. Come inside, I'll have my servants fetch you some clean clothes and lead you to the bathroom to shower."

"Thank you, Blaze," I whispered, my voice filled with gratitude as I stepped into the warm embrace of the mansion,

Blaze turned to her servants. "Fetch him some clean clothes and show him to the bathroom. Make sure he has everything he needs."

The servants nodded, hurrying off to do as she instructed. Blaze then turned her attention back to me, "Don't be too long," she said firmly but kindly "I'd like to have tea with you. From what you've just said, you're probably hungry too. I'd like to hear your story it catched my interest."

Gratitude swelled within me once more as I watched her, her kindness overwhelming. "Thank you again, Blaze, I promise i wont be too long" I said softly, my voice filled with emotion.

I followed the servants down the hall, the weight of my exhaustion pressing down on me. The bathroom was spacious and luxurious, a stark contrast to the hardships I had faced over the past few days. The warm water cascaded over me, washing away the grime and fatigue, the tension in my muscles slowly easing as I allowed myself to relax for the first time in what felt like forever.

After my bath, I stepped out of the shower, feeling refreshed and renewed. I dried myself off and put on the clean clothes the servants had provided, the fabric soft and comfortable against my skin.

The servants led me back to the mansion's garden, where Blaze was sitting at a small table, a pot of tea steaming in front of her. The aroma of food being prepared wafted through the air, making my stomach growl in anticipation.

Blaze looked up as I approached, a smile on her lips. "Please, have a seat," she said, gesturing to the empty chair across from her.

I hesitated for a moment, my guard still up after everything that had happened. But the hunger at my stomach won out, and I sat down, the scent of the food making my mouth water.

As I began to eat, Blaze watched me with a curious expression, her eyes filled with empathy. "So," she began, her voice gentle. "What's your story? How did you end up here?"

I paused, taking a moment to collect my thoughts. I wasn't sure how much to tell her, how much she would believe or understand. But something about her kind demeanor put me at ease, and I found myself opening up to her.

"I'm not from around here," I started, my voice hesitant. "I have this forced relationship and i fell in love with someone else... And he took me to a drive technically kidnapping me and i ran away to a forest and found a man named jack and turns out he's an insane isolated man and i escaped again and now I'm just trying to find my way back home..."

Blaze listened intently, her eyes filled with concern. As I continued to recount my ordeal, she nodded sympathetically,

"You've been through a lot," she said softly, her voice calm and collected "But you're safe here now. And I promise, we'll help you find your way back home. But for now you can stay here and rest, and in the mean time i do need some company around this silent mansion"

Tears welled in my eyes at her kindness, gratitude filling my heart. For the first time in days, I felt truly hopeful. With Blaze's help, maybe, just maybe, I could find my way back to my friends and the home I had left behind.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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