Chapter 2

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The school looks more like a palace from the outside , there is a parking at the entryway , a green lawn at the sides and a big statue of an old man holding a bunch of books greets the incomings , staring at them while everyone else ignores it . The entrance is crowded mostly by cars , I am seemingly the only student who walked into school without a vehicle . Then I noticed it . The look on their faces when they caught sight of me , they eye me from head to toe , some of them don't give attention to me but others do , I find it hard to contain myself from punching them right on their mocking faces , but I made it inside the school without starting a fight , the hallway was more crowded than the entrance and louder too . I keep bumping into students until I finally make it to the principal office . I knock on the door and go in . He asks me to take a seat then starts blabbing about this school's educational system quality .

All I am able to focus about is his Afro black hair in a buzz cut , his sweaty face giving a gleam to his brown skin and how tight his tie is wrapped around his neck .

« Are we being clear here , Miss Floris ? »

I look up at his scowling face , then nod calmly as I try to smile politely .

Next I head to the school counsellor to get my schedule and my locker number . After being done with that too , and realising that my first period class is philosophy , I groan and head to my locker to put my stuff there . I am a math and physics person , not a literature or philosophy one , although I enjoy deep thoughts and historical stories with meaning , instead of love stories meant for simple minds to get lost in the fake wonders of finding a true love and a happy ending someday .

The hallway is still full , everyone around minding their own business , however I can sense pairs of eyes on me as I walk around , like I am a new animal in a circus .

I ignore those stares the way I was ignored by justice and fairness all this time and continue towards my locker . A bunch of boys are hanging out nearby , talking and laughing loudly it hurts my ears to stand near them .

I place my stuff in the locker ignoring the fumble going on around me until one of the guys stands near me . I don't avert an ounce of my attention towards him as I keep gathering my stuff .

I never was a bully yet I never was bullied either . I know how to put everyone in their places . Tough times taught me tough shit to survive .

At least I got out with that .

« Someone borrowed their clothes from their grandma . » The guy who approached me with a boyish smirk and hazel eyes along with blond strains of hair , lets out a snort as he finishes his joke and turns to laugh with his pals .

I am aware that my choice of clothing is not wise , which is why I wish there was a uniform code in this school . But then it is a private school for conceited kids who like to show off with all the prosperity they own . I keep arranging my books in my locker not giving him a slight hint of annoyance , not that I am .

Typical popular boys are in every school , that won't make him the first to deal with .

« Looks like she's trying to play hard to get , this one . » One of his dumb friends speaks .

« Oh let her . We'll see how long she lasts . It will be fun , right granny ? »

I close the locker and walk away before I plant my fist in their faces . I promised mom I will try to be as composed as possible and not pick out a fight , not that I do it with no reason but she is trying hard to be careful about everything new going on in our life . He better not push my buttons further though .

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