Chapter 34

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I have a favorite food now .
This scrunchy , tasty peanut butter . I first had it in Paget's house when I started coming over at the time mom was absent . The mixture of salt and sweetness gets me every time , sending tiny sparks of happiness through me .

It's easy to find happiness , just as it is easy to loose it .

Paget still hasn't come for breakfast .

She is not answering her phone and oh her room is locked .

Why the hell would she lock her room when she knows I'm supposed to be there with her now because I came back from Kane's place is beyond my comprehension .

Last night was just amazing . It was an enjoyable outrun of events . It was a dream I never knew I had . Kane is a dream I never knew I needed to come true so bad . Yet he is real , he's more real than anything I have ever had in my life , he's more real than the pain and the betrayals , more real than the tears and the sorrow .

His eyes and the way they softens when they gaze at me , his sharp cheekbones that melt under my touch , his possessive hands that he can't take off me . Although I must give him that , he is patient . Very patient than probably even me . If he didn't convince me to hold on yesterday I would've embarrassed myself in the most atrocious way possible .

I'm a freaking virgin . My knowledge about the process of loosing that virginity is limited to a fault , which is due to the fact that I was never interested enough to inform myself about it . I never imagined I would be in a situation where I would use the knowledge anyway .

Nobody has ever showed interest in me before coming here . Not that I have boys throwing themselves at me now but it's different . Here at least they don't look at me as though they want to chop off my head and play football with it .

I need to be ready though .

I take a drink from the coffee served at the dining table for breakfast . Paget's breakfast is almost the same as the one Beth serves , minus the delicious pancakes .

I snuck in here a few minutes ago through the back door , nobody noticed though . They think I woke up earlier than Paget and decided to have breakfast first .

The maids here are welcoming and cheerful whenever I'm around . Could be because this house feels ... cold . Paget's father is mostly in his room , he gets out rarely to check out on his daughter . Paget does the same sometimes and goes spending time with him in the confinement of his room .

Mr Baldwin's health is only deteriorating , I understand why he isolates himself from the world . People mostly don't like to show up in a weak state , especially not in front of those they care about .

After her mother's escape and betrayal , Paget and her father are all they have and they both are fond and caring of one another .

While she got a perfect relationship with her dad , I got a good one with mom . We both have messed up parents who caused us a lot of harm which is why we became this close in such a short time .

Whispers reach me from my seat at the long dining table . I frown and turn around slowly before standing up quietly to see where the giggles and hisses come from .

I tiptoe quietly until I reach the stairs leading to the next floor and freeze .

« Yes , doll . I'm keeping it . » Haze stands at the bottom of the stairs with his hands pinning Paget in place by her waist .

So he was the one with her yesterday .

And that's why her room was locked this morning .

I take careful steps back to the dining room , careful not to let Haze sense my presence . I don't need him asking questions about me being here at such time while to him I'm supposed to be at home.

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