Chapter 16

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I walk arms linked with Iker , he grew accustomed to holding my hand or linking my arm to his to support me while walking , although I can walk on my own even if I do stumble a little .

Okay a lot .

But still I can handle myself . However he insisted to keep assisting me and when our Britney finally honored us with her appearance again after a long time of absence she made a lot of comments and teased us a lot about it , so I started letting him aid me just to prove that we are unbothered by her assumptions .

Paget is still acting as though me and him are a couple but we ignore her .

Plus I have been dry with her quite a bit for her disappearance . I don't appreciate that she hopped into into my life just to walk away easily without excuses , but she stated that she was sick and didn't want anyone to find out .

At least we have that in common : we never show weakness .

« Oh boy , is Ellie your cousin or your sister ? » She asks as she eyes the decorations and follows the waiters with her eyes as they carry drinks and appetizers around .

Iker rolls his eyes and gives me sideways glance then looks back at Paget who was walking besides him, wearing a sparkly short pink dress with low shoulders , her blonde hair loose and her face beaming and glittery from the make up , as though she had just escaped the eighties . What I mean to say by all of this is that she looks extraordinary .

« My father is generous . » He answers simply , he  is dressed in a grey dress pant and a white polo sweater , his hair shines with soft golden strands underneath the lights in the Lamberts house . Which is a massive mansion painted beige with rectangular windows and a big black iron door , sculpted with vines and roses like a secret portal to a fairy garden , the entryway is lined with bubble shaped lamps along the green trimmed grass glistening with water . We round the  vast mansion to the backyard where the party is actually held near the swimming pool , we are greeted by blasting awful music and girls squeaking like fucking annoying plastic ducks .

I stumble on the stone path and Iker steadies me along with Paget who rushes to my side quickly . I nod at them and blush . I have no idea why but I do .

I'm not used to be treated gently and with affection the way these two treat me and almost everyone treats me lately because of my injury but I am grateful for it .

Although I will never show that .

« It hurts my eyes to see you wearing these boots with this dress . » Paget mutters to me .

« Sorry that my ankle is sprained , didn't know it was much of an inconvenience to you . »

She rolls her eyes . « You could've wore the leather boots I suggested . You would've looked like a warrior from a fantasy movie , instead of whatever that is . »

I look down at my white fluffy short uggs , they are warm and comfortable and don't hurt my foot .

I had visited a doctor and he gave me an ankle support and lots of rest to heal fast . I still can't walk properly on it but I can manage most of the times .

I assess my short halter burgundy dress hugging my curves , or more accurately my new curves since all I was before is a lot of bones with a spatter of flesh and blood . My outfit looks good enough for me , although a little bit too above my knees but anyways it's only for one time .

My gaze meets Paget's again . « My name is Hannah Floris not Cindy Crawford , in case you forgot . »

« You're so irritating , how I put up with you is a mystery ! »

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