Chapter 25

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Despite the fact that this is a bar , it smells of jasmine every time I come in . I'm not the only one who smells it though , everyone does . It makes people ask questions about the source of this beautiful smell in a place like that , a place that should usually smell of sweat and beer and other indistinguishable stuff.

It's not that bad for a bar , but still a bar nevertheless .

I never was a frequent one , but tough times call for places like this to see these people and realise that no matter how shitty my life is , I'm still not one of them .

No offense though .

Just as I sit at the barstool , Ethan appears from the kitchen , wiping his hands with a napkin dirtier than the entire place . His forehead is gleaming with sweat , making his black curly hair stick to his forehead and gives a sheen to his blue eyes , his most prized possession as he likes to refer to them , he smiles widely upon seeing me , shaking his head as he walks towards me .

« Looking for some muse in my bar ? » He asks throwing the napkin away and leaning with his palms on the bar table in front of us .

« I'm no poet . » I say blankly .

« And you clearly are in no mood as well . What can I get for you ? »

« Two shots ... Five shots of vodka . » I state dryly .

« Five ? » He raises an eyebrow waiting for me to probably change my mind or leave , but I only stare back at him with a bored expression on my face . « Dude , I've known you since middle school . When you drink , shit is either too good or too bad ... »

The man knows me so well . He's been my closest friend since the day I saw a bunch of kids trying to harass him for being too pretty and defended him . I don't know why I did that , I usually didn't get involved in businesses that have no importance to me , but seeing him struggle like that , unable to defend himself , made me feel guilty to leave him so I proceeded into giving him a hand and chasing away the bullies . He's been sticking to my feet like a puppy ever since .

« That's a pretty bad service you got here , I should've gotten my order by now . » 

He sighs and rolls his eyes before serving my order . Then he rounds the table and settles besides me , pouring himself a shot as well .

I drown the five shots before he could swallow his , so I take that too , making it six shots .

Yet I am still seeing them ...  those big brown eyes ... still hearing the words ... in that taunting voice ...

I shake my head and look away .

« That bad , huh ? » Ethan asks again .

He might be a little fuck who has always been too lazy to make an effort for himself , stating that running from goal to goal is too tiring since we go to graves with nothing of what we got here .

Which is kinda true , but life is like a virtual game , you earn gold there but behind the TV you're broke and miserable .

Ethan doesn't find it that way , and no matter how much potential he could've had , I still respect his choice of life . It makes him a good adviser .

« That obvious ? » My voice comes out a little slurry , the alcohol probably starting to work on my system . I'm not used to consuming such quantities of it .

« Kane , you drinking six shots of vodka is a sign that the world is ending . So yeah , it's very obvious.»

I chuckle , passing a hand through my hair and looking ahead . « I'm fucked up . » I answer finally .

I Found HomeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora