Chapter 13

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It's been three days since Hannah fell down the stairs and managed to confine me to pain and agony with her . Sometimes I felt like limping on my foot upon seeing her doing so , as if she and I could experience the same things together because our bodies are connected by some sort of invisible thread.

She hasn't left her room much , only because I insisted on it .

Her mother is too lenient with her , that's why Hannah lacks discipline . But I made sure she does as I said in order to avoid getting her foot worse . Thankfully Donna welcomed my help taking care of her little beast and I couldn't be more delighted to spend my time here doing something useful .

Or maybe I am just over the moon to be around Hannah .

I have no clue wether she recalls our small talk the night of her fall , but I guess not since she was under the effect of painkillers , and also because she didn't mention it at all and kept ignoring me but surprisingly complying to whatever I tell her .

I don't really care if she knows though , I have been sneaking to her room at night carefully to check up on her , otherwise I won't be able to rest assured .

I feel like babysitting her , Donna has been busy working a lot lately . Always on online meetings and rarely coming out , when she does it's to check on Hannah . Which is why I have been around her a lot . Beth is helping too , cooking her all kinds of soups and nutritive food to help Hannah heal faster .

Today she managed to go downstairs , with my help of course . Beth is busy with house duties and Donna is in her room again . So it's only me who could help her . Although it wasn't the best idea I had since it required some ... touching . The girl had to hold on to my arm and the railing for support obviously .

« I'm going to let go now , are you sure you can stand on your own ? »

She nods without looking at me and immediately lets go of my arm . I raise an eyebrow , she is not usually fond of me but now she is trying to ignore my entire existence . She steadies herself then takes a step and manages not to fall but winced a bit .

I never knew how much seeing her in pain pains me as well . But she walks towards the living room limping slowly on her foot , fisting her hands at her sides and never once glancing back at me . Beth meets her halfway to the living room and gasps in joy .

« My little dove ! You got better , but you are still eating the salmon soup I prepared for you . » The woman said as she rushed to her side to try and support her but Hannah kindly declined her help and kept marching towards the living room .

She settles down on the couch with a groan , I walk there as well and take a seat on the other end , far away from her . She turns on the TV and focuses on it instead . I hate this new treatment , no more fighting or arguing or challenging , as if she is trying to avoid any sort of interaction between us . If only I knew why !

I clear my throat and decide to break the silence . « You'll still need to see a doctor after the storm ends.»

She nods , her eyes focused on the TV showing some monkey eating from a car tire . The Hannah I am starting to know would have at least tried to defy me giving her instructions about what to do . Something changed , I just need to know what .

« Look away . » She grits through her teeth . Here she is , the girl who sat on my lap and managed to occupy my mind for longer than anyone had .

« What ? »

« Look . Away . » She says still flipping through the programs on TV , then her eyes meet mine in a deadly stare . « You're making me uncomfortable . » She turns her focus back to the screen in front of us.

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