Chapter 21

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My eyes are open , the faint sunlight creeping in helps me see the room around me that is not mine , the desk with piles of papers stacked there and the man laying beside me .

I am awake , but I feel as though I am in a dream , wrapped in the arms of angels trying to carry me through a world of imaginations that only exists in my mind . There is no way I can feel such happiness just from waking up besides him , his arm wrapped around my waist as he sleeps safe and sound .

I chuckle to myself , remembering how he insisted on me having his bed for myself last night to feel comfortable . I wonder how he ended up here , not that I'm complaining .

I take this chance to look at him and study his expressions further , the stubble on his jaw line , his long black lashes almost touching his high and sharp cheekbones , his brown hair now all disheveled . He looks peaceful , comfortable and free . He might be elsewhere now in that philosopher head of his , probably meeting his Hannah Arendt .

Talk about a coincidence .

I spent my life hating men - and people in general – distancing myself from them and ignoring their existence , vowing to grow up to be a woman every man wants but never can have . But looking at him , I think he might be the only exception to ever exist , an exception I didn't know would make me realise that ... I need him . So badly .

I need his presence , his words , his comfort ... everything he's willing to give me .

Maybe I don't trust him fully yet , but I doubt it will take long .

Yesterday made me see how good of a secret keeper he is . I am Paget's friend yet I had no idea about her depression and I still don't know what caused it while Kane knows , yet he didn't tell me . I respect that . It's not his secret to tell , if Paget wants me to know she would've talked to me about it .

I caress his hair gently , careful not to wake him up .

But my phone did that job for me .

Kane's eyes fly open while I sit down to take the loud thing and answer the call without even glancing the ID of the caller .

« Hello ? »

« Where are you ? » Iker's voice comes irritated , I furrow my eyebrows as I feel Kane sit down on the mattress .

« Why are you asking ? » I reply in a dry tone .

Iker sighs , I could hear the wind rustling in the background along with car honks and other noises I couldn't discern .

« Just answer my question , you and Paget need to talk . »

So he knows about Paget and me . She must have told him that this was no longer a secret from me .

« I'm aware . »

He scoffs . « Really ? Where are you then ? Why aren't you with her ? Why is ... »

I stand up in anger . « Don't talk to me like that , Iker ! You don't know anything yet , you weren't there. You have no right to question me this way ! »

I hang up on him and let my phone fall to the floor as I pass my hands through my hair .

A warm presence envelops me from behind , strong toned arms engulf me in a tight embrace that brings me the ability to breathe and relax a bit . He passes a hand over the top of my hair , as though I were a cat . I squeeze my eyes shut and lean back against him like a tired solider leans against a solid wall after a brutal war .

« You're so tense , relax . » Kane says in a soft and worried voice .

I turn around to face him . « Remind me to never ever answer a phone call early in the morning . »

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