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Hey guys! How are you'll doing? I want to say a very big thank you to everyone. to my old readers and my new readers thank you very much.,

My silent readers thank you too, I don't ask much of you guys just a little support in the form of voting and commenting, your support's always makes a writer updates faster. Stay safe y'all love you!❤️


My eyes slowly opened, I could feel the pain in my head, it hurt so bad, I opened my eyes slowly in other to get comfortable with my environment.

I blinked softly as the sun shines softly through the curtains, I looked around, this wasn't my bedroom but I knew whose it was, But there was no sign of him.

I groaned softly as I slowly sat on the bed resting my back on the head bed, my head still hurt terribly.

I need water, I look around there was no water in sight, making me sigh, I guess I'll have to go get some myself, I slowly place my feet on the floor, my head hurt more as I struggle to get up.

"Hey Tesoro! What are you doing?"

I look up to see Ralph walking towards me a worried look on his face, he place his hands on my back as he help me sat back down slowly.

" I was just trying to get some water, I'm thirsty" my voice came out raspy. I didn't like the way it sounded.

"It's alright Tesoro, I'll get you some water alright." I nod I could feel his eyes on me so I look up, to catch his gaze. And I immediately look back down my cheek tinted.

"Prendimi un bicchiere d'acqua con l'aspirina" Ralph said, I look up at him to see him talking on the phone. His eyes were still on me, on my eyes, I look down at my hands as they fidget. (Get me a glass of water with aspirin)

"Do you want some ice cream mi Amor?" My ears peaked at that, I look up at him so fast, nodding vigorously as I smile, a small but soft smile appeared on his lips and he nods.

"Aggiungi il gelato a quello, al gusto cioccolato." He said to the person on the phone, probably telling him to get the ice cream. I don't know. (Add ice cream to that chocolate flavored)

He ended the call, placing his phone in his pant pocket, we both stayed in silence, no one said a word, I liked it, I don't want to talk about what happened yesterday.

"Sei così bella amore mio." Ralph voice made me look up, raising my eyebrow, he wasn't talking on his phone. Was he talking to me? (You look so gorgeous my love)

"Adoro le facce che fai quando sei confuso" he said again with Italian, a smile placed softly on his face. (I love the faces you make when you're confused)

"Ralph I don't understand what you're saying, I'm confused," I tell him, his smile just widen, I don't like it when I'm confused.

"So che sei il mio piccolo," he brought forth his hand as he softly tucked a piece of my hair behind my ears, his hands brushed swiftly against my ears, making them go red. (I know you are my little one)

I look down at my hands immediately, " Ralph please I can't understand what you're saying, I don't like it."

"You don't like when I speak Italian?." He asked making me look up at him, my eyes widened.

"No no! I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way, I love when you speak Italian, your voice sounds so good and more deeper than it was when you speak it." I quickly apologized not wanting to make him feel bad.

"I know what you meant mi Amor, I was just playing around okay? It's okay." I nod my head at that, thank God he isn't offended by what I said.

"Capo? I brought what you asked of me." Someone said for outside the closed door,

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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