Another day another pile of scrapmetal

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The day began quietly. It was a healthy breakfast created out of whatever Jekyll has in his fridge, whatever piece of meat, which has been salted and dried to eternity and back. Knight still had in his storage and whatever rations could be spared cooked by the mother figure Raikou. Then while they talked heared Knight, who was on look out, loud mechanical noises and jumped of his place from the window.

"Well, i wanted to say that their a massive amounts of interferences incomming but it seems our resident god here was faster this time." said Romani. "Hey Knight! Can you do only skills this time!? Meaning no fire! I want to see what you can do with out magic!" shouted Gudako excited. "It would beneficial to see what he can do in emergencys outside of the simulator." said Davinci.

"Don't know? Do you have someone who can make a sword?!" shouted Knight back to them while the helter skelters came back up. "The caster should be able to make something!" shouted Fujimaru from the third floor. "Emiya can create swords." said Gudako. "But they have their durability halfed." said Fujimaru. "Doesn't matter." said Knight before thinking.

"Well then! Watch and learn why i am a saber and not a berserker!" said Knight and pulled out a katana. He got in position. Then he was gone while the pavement shattered. "Where is he?" "there" said Mash to Gudako and pointed towards Knight who was throwing away a broken sword handle away. He had already broken cut through several helterskelter and was now cleaving his way through them. 

While each swing was done masterfully destroyed Helter skelter faster then the eye can see, shattered the used blade at the handle after the swing causing the ground soon to be littered with metal scraps and sword handles. 

There was no blocking he just dodged the attacks as if he has seen them comming from a mile away and danced around them with his enormous skill before utilising the blades at his disposal to his utmost efficiency with zero wasted movement even if it looked impressive. Even the splinters seemed to have a purpose when they flew through the gaps in the armor into the gears of the helter skellter and thereby immobilising them.

"What the... I though his main thing was burning everything down to ashes. Not... this." said Mordred while the blades Knight used seemed to blink in and out of existence while cutting through the enemy masses like he was cutting through butter instead of dozens of steel robots at once. 

"A dance of blades and steel. And no screaming as the steel was torn to shreds by the blades. Marvelous!" said Shakespeare amazed. "So he does have a reason for being a saber. Skills beyond imagination." said Hans Christian Andersen with a devious smile while with each blink of his eyes he had to register six more helter skelters being shredded to pieces faster then his eyes can register. 

The gears of the helter skelters and sword handles were falling down in masses like rain. And even then they were cut into pieces once they came into cutting range.

"So that is why he wouldn't have done that earlier. Look." said Atalante and pointed to the ground where broken blades and shattered sword handles where already piling ontop of each other. Some of the broken blades were even used to be thrown in between the joints of the helter skelters. 

"While his technique surpasses most if not all swordsmen i have seen, be it here or in chaldea, his blades are not able to withstand the stress of his strikes and shatter after the swing. Either because the blade couldn't take that kind of abuse for long amounts of time or because the handles was shattered by his gribstrengh." said Raikou. "That is correct." said Knight after he was done. He had jumped back inside the apartment.

"What the H-E double hockey sticks was that?" asked Gudako as she didn't want to curse infront of Raikou(her mother). "well that was my entrance card to being a saber. Well i can't do it that often because i only have a limited amount of blades which don't regenerate." said Knight emberassed as he jumped back into the apartment.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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