nombre Huit

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As the two follow the group, they start to feel an uneasy feeling in their stomach simultaneously, like they made the wrong decision. After about 30 minutes of walking with the gang group up ahead and Charles and Jeffry a little behind with enough space in between them so they could talk but the group wouldn't get suspicious.

"Hey Jeffry, since you know more about The Gang than me, could you tell me a bit about it?"

"Oh heck yeah, if were joining them you need to know, but anyway, The Gang is known for its random betrayals and mass genocide on anyone they see in their land thats not an allie, but their leader, Henry, is an amazing fighter, same as everyone that they dont want to betray thats in The Gang, so when people are desprate for a team or a place they can gear up and stay protected and they have nowhere else to go, they got to The Gang, yes they might die by The Gang but atleast they dont turn into an infected."

"Geez, you know a lot about them, don't you?"

"Yep, I was sent a letter to join them a little bit after the breakout, I hid it from you and I didn't reply because I wanted to stay with you and I didnt like them that much."

"Wait, you got a letter from them? Why you of all people, no offense but, you're mainly a coward in most situations."

"Yes I am but remember, when we first met and I was way braver than I am right now?"

"Oh right, why did you become such a wimp?"

"The reason why is because then I didn't know how much of a danger the infected, and the cordyceps were, and I thought that they were a minor threat, so I was much braver and less of a wimp."

After Jeffry told Charles all about The Gang on the walk, the two went to the main base of The Gang. They were nervous as they were broght to the leader, Henry. The two walked to Henry worried about what would happen but also curious about it. Charles was brave and walked normally without looking scared but Jeffry on the other hand, was shaking like crazy and hiding behind Charles like a scared child.

I made this in schoolWhere stories live. Discover now