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" Till when "

"Till l get you "


J imin smiled watching the sun set and become it's beautiful orange colour. He loved this , he would always come to watch the sun set at the beach on weekends.

Then take a walk even though it's chilly at night it doesn't matter. He got up with sand in his hands then splattered it in the air.

He giggled before running , on the shore . The fresh air brushing his hair to a lovely dance.

Beautiful like his pure soul , but dark as his broken heart . A heart that he wishes could be mended . A heart he hopes soon could be mended.

His heart could have been fine by now if only he would let someone in .

But you can't blame him , he is scared no...terrified to open up . He had given his soul , body , mind and heart to him .

He had given him everthing he had. And he had promised to do the same but he couldn't even provide Jimin with a shelter.

Then why did he promise him the world.

How could he promise Jimin the stars.

Jimin left his family for him , his own family disowned Jimin for him but what did he do .

He let Jimin die alone.

" l will give you everthing baby "

"Mhhhh "

"I am serious Jimin l will give you the world "

"Jay l am not saying you won't " l giggled at his panicked expression.

"The stars even if you ask for them " saying that he took me in his arms into his then he spun me around . I just giggled.

Tears were blocking J imin's eyes but he kept running.

Is love still in his reach. Will promises mean something to him. Will he open up to someone like he did to Jay.

Are all people the same. Are soul mates real , maybe Jay is not his lover in his fate.

And they are not destiny . Maybe there is someone waiting for him . But he has waited and he is still waiting .

"J-jimin what are you doing here "

"With your suitcase "

"Its cold Jay "

"Jay won't you let me in its cold "

"Jimin whats happening "

"That's not supposed to be part of what you say Jay, something like come in baby it's cold "

"I can't "

"You can't what "

"Go back home Jimin "

"You knew this would happen once my parents found out l was gay and we were in a relationship they would kick me out "

"Jimin you can't stay here "

"W-what "

"Please leave "

"Fuck you Jay "

With that l took my suitcase and ran in the rain that l have learned to love.

Because that was the only witness when my soul was snatched away from me.

The rain was the thing that lead me to my new life. A job as a caretaker for children that pays well for my dance classes and other expenses.

Jimin came to a stop as he bumped into someone. He was shaking by now. His eyes and heart still crying .

So he just buried his face into the chest of the person he had bumped into . Wrapping his arms around the person's neck.

Getting lost into the scent. The person wrapped his arms around J imin's waist.

"Crying doesn't make you weak , it makes you
stronger "



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