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Girl in Red & Sabrina Carpenter

"You're about to receive a telephone call from an inmate at Denison Correctional Complex." Daisy's head shot up from her book. Darren must've been nearby, Daisy hauling the book to the ground as she weaved between aisles.

"Oh. Boring. Dusty's left the school.
There's a new hot guy, Ant tried to chop his d*ck off." Darren watched Daisy's eyes light up as she moved towards them. Waiting patiently as Darren continued, they sent her a warm smile.

"I miss you, wait." Darren took the phone from their ear, "He's all yours Daisy." She beamed as they handed the phone to her.
She didn't want to interrupt their conversations but she was desperate.

"Hey Doug." Her eyes watered as she heard his voice in the background. It had been at least a week since they last spoke. Most of Cash's calls went to Darren.

"Daisy! Are you okay? What's happened-" He freaked immediately and she let out a relieved chuckle. He hadn't changed much.

"Fine Doug! Fine just wanted to hear your voice." She smiled pressing the phone to her ear further as she mouthed, 'thank you' to Darren beside her.

"I miss you too Daisy, tell Nan I'm excited to see you all." After weeks she was finally allowed to go and see Cash, she would drive Nan and Darren with her to visit.

"See you tomorrow Dougy." She imitated a kiss over the phone before it chimed out and she handed it back to Darren, "Thank you Darren, truly." She interwined her fingers together ashamed a moment that she had interrupted.

"I know you miss him Daisy, no stress." They squeezed her shoulder walking beside her, "Besides he called me yesterday.. the day before.. the day before." She laughed as Darren blushed madly.

"Where you off to then? SLT's?" Daisy questioned as Darren lead the way, as usual Daisy's hands clutched around her books.
Darren differed holding most of their things in a school bag.

"Wouldnt miss that shit class for the world." They mocked and Daisy laughed rounding another corner, "Still picking me up at 5 tomorrow Daisy, or chickened out?" She initiated a gasp holding a hand to her chest.

"Chickened out? My brother is not some cold blooded killer." She huffed, Darren nudging the grinning girl beside them, "Yes of course, I think I might just be as excited as you." She beamed as they entered the classroom taking their usual seats opposite.

Between Harper and Spider sat Daisy, clipboard on her lap as she picked at her fingernails, "Stop it, it's disgusting." She shot him an irritated glare as Spider had commented on her nail picking.

"Shut up Spider." She seethed turning her attention to Jojo as she crossed her legs placing the board on top of her knees accordingly, "Okay peeps, welcome to SLT class." Jojo began, "Thought we could start off with something gentle, you'll notice a collection of art materials in front of you." Darren and Amerie shot from their seats retrieving a coloured pen.

Daisy stood after wandering past to grab a few different shades of green. Her favourite colour, "Thought we're meant to be learning about condoms and blue waffle disease. Why are we doing art?"

"I'm sure you had plenty of time for that Spider." Daisy teased as she sat back down, still annoyed about the nail comment, "Don't look at it as art." Jojo added to Daisy, "Look at the canvas as a way of expressing how you feel. Choose whatever colour speaks to you." Daisy watched Spider pick a grey rolling her eyes.

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