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- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒ 01 ༒ ˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -
Tracing Shadows

The fluorescent lights flickered overhead as she stepped into the bustling chaos of the Hanyeong Police Station. The air was thick with the scent of stale coffee and paperwork, the familiar sounds of ringing phones and hurried footsteps echoing off the walls.

As she made her way through the crowded bullpen, she spotted her colleagues, Jungwoo and Sungchan, huddled together near their desks, their voices pitched in hushed tones. Curiosity piqued, she quickened her pace, joining them with a questioning look.

"What's going on?" she asked, her brow furrowed in concern.

Jungwoo glanced up, "Detective Kory, Good Morning," an unreadable expression clouding his features. "We've got a new case," he replied, his voice low and serious. "A 32-year-old American man has gone missing from his motel room."

Kory's eyes widened in alarm. "Any leads?" she inquired, her mind already racing with possibilities.

Sungchan shook his head, his lips pressed into a thin line. "None so far," he admitted, frustration evident in his tone. "But we're working on it."

Kory nodded, her thoughts drifting to the missing man and the mystery surrounding his disappearance. "Do we have any information on him?" she asked, her voice tinged with urgency.

Jungwoo furrowed his brow as he glanced down at the file in his hands, the weight of the situation settling heavily upon him. Flipping through the pages with a sense of growing unease, he took in the details before him with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.

"His name is James Anderson," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper as he read off the details scrawled across the page. "According to this, he arrived in Hanyeong four days ago and was staying at a local motel."

Beside him, his colleague leaned in closer, a look of concern etched upon her features. "Any idea why he's here?" she inquired, her voice tinged with curiosity.

Jungwoo shook his head, his expression clouded with uncertainty. "Not yet," he replied, his tone clipped. "But something doesn't sit right about this."

Turning his attention back to the file, Jungwoo's eyes narrowed as he scanned the contents, searching for any clue that might shed light on the mystery before them. Yet, as he delved deeper into the pages, a sense of frustration began to gnaw at him, the answers remaining frustratingly out of reach.

"It says here that a witness saw his nephew pulling him out of the motel room," Jungwoo continued, his voice tinged with frustration. "But after that, he disappeared without a trace."

Kory's brow furrowing in thought as she considered the implications of their findings. "Do you think he's in some kind of trouble?" she ventured, her voice laden with concern.

Jungwoo sighed, his shoulders slumping in resignation. "It's hard to say," he admitted, his gaze drifting back to the file in his hands.

Kory's mind raced as she absorbed the information, her instincts kicking into overdrive. "We need to find him," she declared, her voice firm with determination. "And fast."

Their minds focused on unraveling the mystery of James Anderson's disappearance. They combed through witness statements, analyzed surveillance footage, and followed every lead with meticulous precision, determined to bring the missing man home safely.

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