ch ; 06

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- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒ 06 ༒ ˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -
A Resolute Rejection

As Kory stepped through the doors of the Hanyeong Police Station, she was immediately greeted by the cacophony of loud voices echoing through the bustling corridors. Frowning in concern, she quickened her pace, her instincts telling her that something was amiss.

There, in the heart of the station, she saw Sungchan, her rookie colleague, who just joined last year, seated at his desk with a look of distress etched on his face. Surrounding him were a group of men who looked distinctly out of place in the confines of the police station.

Their rough appearance and hostile demeanor marked them as troublemakers, and Kory's instincts immediately went on high alert.

Setting her belongings down on her desk, Kory made her way over to Sungchan, her expression a mixture of concern and determination.

She had only been partnered with Sungchan for a short time, but she had already come to admire his dedication and perseverance, despite his lack of experience.

"What's going on here?" Kory demanded, her voice firm as she approached the group of men.

Sungchan looked up at her with relief, his eyes wide with panic. "Detective Seo..!" he said, his voice trembling slightly. "These men are demanding justice for an incident that occurred last night."

Kory's brow furrowed in confusion as she turned her attention to the group of men, her gaze sweeping over them with a critical eye.

They looked like trouble, that much was certain, but she needed to get to the bottom of what had brought them to the police station in the first place.

"What happened last night?" Kory asked, her voice calm but firm as she addressed the men.

One of the men stepped forward, his expression hostile as he glared at Kory. "One of our boys was shot..!" he spat, his voice thick with anger.

"We beated most of them!"

"Boss, that's not what happ-"

"Shut up."

Kory's jaw tightened at the man's words, her mind racing as she tried to piece together the puzzle before her. Kory knew that they needed to handle the situation with the utmost care.

"I understand your concern," Kory replied, her voice steady as she addressed the men. "But we need to conduct a thorough investigation before we can provide you with any answers."

"Can you tell me more about what happened?" Kory pressed, her tone gentle but insistent.

One of the thugs stepped forward, his demeanor tense as he recounted the events of the previous night. According to him, two unknown men had approached their group and started threatening them. The situation escalated quickly, resulting in one of their men being shot.

Kory listened intently, her mind racing as she processed the information. It was clear that this incident was serious, and they needed to act swiftly to resolve it.

Kory's attention sharpened as the smaller thug stepped forward, his voice carrying a hint of nervousness as he spoke. She nodded, urging him to continue as Sungchan diligently typed down every word of their conversation.

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