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A Shivering Dread

Gio's low and husky voice thundered through the NCTECH headquarters, reverberating off the cold, concrete walls with an intensity that sent shivers down the spines of those within earshot. As he lashed out at Chen, the atmosphere in the room crackled with tension, each word dripping with fury and frustration.

"What do you mean there were police?!" Gio's voice boomed, his eyes blazing with anger as he fixed his gaze on the hapless hitman before him.

Chen shifted uneasily under Gio's piercing stare, his expression a mask of guilt and apprehension. "There was a mishap-" he began to explain, but before he could finish, Gio cut him off with a sharp wave of his hand.

"I commanded you south!" Gio roared, his temper flaring as he struggled to contain his rage. "Now the police are on our tail, all because of your incompetence."

Chen winced at the accusation, his shoulders slumping with defeat. He had known the consequences of failure, but the pressure of the job had proved too much to bear. Now, faced with Gio's wrath, he could only hang his head in shame.

As the second-in-command of NCTECH, Gio prided himself on his ability to maintain order and discipline within the organization. With their boss away, it fell to him to ensure that each operation ran smoothly, without a hitch.

But Chen's failure had thrown a wrench into his carefully laid plans, leaving him scrambling to contain the fallout before it spiraled out of control.

Taking a deep breath to steady his frayed nerves, Gio turned his attention back to Chen, his voice lowered to a dangerous whisper. "You've jeopardized everything we've worked for," he hissed, his eyes narrowing with disdain.

Chen's heart sank at the implication, his mind racing with thoughts of what punishment awaited him. He knew that in the world of NCTECH, failure was not tolerated, and those who crossed the line were dealt with swiftly and mercilessly.

But even as fear gnawed at his insides, Chen refused to back down. He had made a mistake, yes, but he was determined to make amends, to prove himself worthy of the trust placed in him by the organization.

"I'll make it right," he vowed, his voice tinged with determination. "I swear, I'll do whatever it takes to fix this mess."

Gio regarded him for a moment, his expression inscrutable. Then, with a curt nod, he turned on his heel and strode out of the room, leaving Chen alone with his thoughts.


As Kory stepped into the conference room, the weight of responsibility settled heavily upon her shoulders. The room was filled with her fellow detectives, their faces a mixture of anticipation and concern as they awaited her briefing on the case of the missing James Anderson and the murder of his son, Kyle Anderson.

Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, Kory cleared her throat and addressed the room. "Good morning, everyone," she began, her voice projecting with authority. "As you all know, we've been tasked with investigating the disappearance of James Anderson and the tragic murder of his son, Kyle."

The room fell silent as Kory launched into her briefing, her words measured and precise as she outlined the details of the case. She spoke of James Anderson, a gambling consultant with history of attempted homicide towards his wife, who had vanished without a trace from his motel room three days ago. And she spoke of his son, Kyle, whose life was taken during an investigation, a victim of a brutal homicide.

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