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- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒ 23 ༒ ˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -

The humid Seoul air clung to Kory like a second skin as she stood outside the imposing iron gates of Daehwon High School.

Weeks had bled into one another since her last, cryptic encounter with Meiying, and the embers of frustration had rekindled into a burning need for answers.

Every dead end, every hushed rumor about the city's underbelly, had led her back to the enigmatic schoolgirl, a lone thread in the tangled web of the mafia investigation.

A rustle in the crowd of chattering students announced Meiying's arrival. Her once vibrant hair, now a duller shade of chestnut brown, was pulled back in a tight bun, a concession to the school's strict dress code.

As Meiying passed by, Kory called out to her, hoping to catch her attention. Meiying turned around, her expression a mix of surprise and annoyance as she saw Kory approaching.

"Ahjumma?" Meiying greeted Kory with a forced smile, the nickname a barb disguised as greeting.

Seven years might not seem like much in the grand scheme of things, but in the whirlwind of teenage life, it felt like an insurmountable gap.

Kory, unfazed by the playful jab, managed a wry smile. "Still clinging to that one, huh? I guess Detective isn't quite as catchy."

Meiying's smile faltered for a fleeting moment before reverting to its practiced nonchalance. "Maybe not," she conceded, her voice laced with a hint of defiance. "But it comes with a certain…authority."

Ignoring the veiled jab, Kory gestured towards her car parked across the street. "Get in, we need to talk." There was a steely urgency in her voice that couldn't be ignored.

Kory ushered Meiying into her car, they pulled away from the school, the city sprawled before them, a labyrinth of concrete and neon.

Kory stole a glance at Meiying, her gaze lingering on the girl's clenched jaw and tightly fisted hands.

The playful defiance had been replaced by a deep-seated fear that gnawed at Kory's resolve.

"Alright, Meiying-ah," Kory began, her voice gentle but firm. "Let's cut to the chase. What do you know about the mafia?"

Meiying tensed at the question, her carefree facade cracking under the pressure. "M-mafia? What makes you think I know anything about them?" she stammered, her voice barely a whisper.

"You were involved with some shady characters in the past," Kory pointed out, her voice softening slightly as she tried to coax information out of Meiying.

Meiying's silence hung heavy in the air, broken only by the rhythmic hum of the engine. Her gaze darted nervously around the car, searching for some unseen threat. Finally, she spoke, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I can't tell you," she confessed, her eyes downcast.

Meiying remained silent, a battle raging behind her downcast eyes. Kory could see the internal struggle, the yearning to do the right thing warring with the terror of the consequences.

"Think about it, Meiying," Kory continued, her voice laced with empathy. "Your silence isn't protecting anyone. It's letting them win."

Meiying listened intently, her expression thoughtful as she absorbed Kory's words.

A flicker of defiance sparked in Meiying's eyes, momentarily replacing the fear.

She straightened in her seat, a newfound resolve hardening her features.

"I… I know someone," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. The weight of her confession hung heavy in the air.

Kory's heart skipped a beat. This was it. The breakthrough they had been desperately searching for.

"Someone involved with the mafia?" she prompted, her voice barely a whisper, afraid to break the fragile trust they had built.

Meiying's voice was barely a whisper as she confessed, "My brother... he's in one."

Kory's heart sank at Meiying's revelation, her mind already racing with the implications. "Which group is he in?" she asked, her voice urgent.

Meiying hesitated, her gaze flickering with uncertainty. "I can't say," she replied cryptically, her words laden with hesitation. "But their next mission is on the pier at eight pm tomorrow."

Kory's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "How do you know?" she pressed, her curiosity piqued.

Meiying's gaze dropped, a pang of guilt evident in her eyes. "I've been following him," she admitted quietly. "I miss him, and I wanted to make sure he was okay."

Kory's heart went out to Meiying, understanding the pain of longing for a loved one who had strayed down a dangerous path. "Meiying, I know this isn't easy for you," she said gently, her voice softening with compassion.

"Thank you for cooperating."


Back in her adoptive parent's house, Meiying sat alone in her room, the weight of her telling the police her brother's secret bearing down on her. She knew that she had to make a choice—to protect her family or to do what was right. But the thought of betraying her brother was unbearable.

As she lay in bed, Meiying's mind raced with possibilities.



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