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- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒ 12 ༒ ˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -

A week had slipped away since Kory's clandestine meeting with Jinwook. In the ensuing days, the Hanyeong Police Department, in collaboration with the South Korean FBI, had toiled tirelessly, piecing together fragments of information and meticulously planning a raid on Haertown's stronghold.

As dawn broke on the appointed day, Kory stood shoulder to shoulder with her fellow officers outside the nondescript warehouse that served as Haertown's base of operations. The air crackled with anticipation, tension coiling like a tightly wound spring as they braced themselves for the imminent confrontation.

"We move in on my mark," Kory's voice cut through the silence, her tone unwavering and authoritative. "Stay sharp, and watch each other's backs."

Her words hung in the air, a solemn reminder of the perilous task that lay ahead. With a shared nod of determination, the officers readied themselves, their hearts pounding in unison as they prepared to confront the shadowy forces lurking within the warehouse's walls.

Kory's heart raced with adrenaline as she prepared to lead the assault, her senses heightened as she awaited the signal to move.

Finally, the call came, and Kory sprang into action, leading her team through the doors of the warehouse with guns drawn and hearts pounding.

As the operation unfolded, tension mounted with each step forward. The officers moved with precision and caution, their senses heightened as they breached the warehouse.

But what awaited them inside wasn't the expected den of criminals; instead, they found an empty, deserted space, devoid of any evidence of Haertown's presence.

"We've been set up," one of the officers muttered, the frustration evident in his voice.

Kory's jaw tightened with determination as she surveyed the scene before her. "Keep searching," she ordered, her voice unwavering. "They can't have gotten far."

Amidst the murmurs of frustration and disappointment, Jinwook's voice cut through the commotion. "This isn't right," he insisted, his gaze piercing as he met Kory's eyes. "Haertown wouldn't just abandon their base like this. Something else is going on."

Kory regarded him skeptically, but a flicker of doubt crept into her mind. "What do you mean?" she asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Jinwook shook his head, his expression troubled. "I don't have all the answers, but I know Haertown," he replied earnestly. "And this isn't their style. Someone is framing them."

Kory's mind raced as she considered Jinwook's words. Despite her initial skepticism, she couldn't ignore the nagging sense that he might be onto something.

"We need to regroup and reassess our approach," she declared, determination flaring in her eyes. "Haertown may still be out there, and we need to find out who's really behind this."

She stood there, surrounded by the chaos of the raid, Kory knew that she would have to go back to the drawing board. Haertown was not their suspect, and the real perpetrators were still out there, somewhere, plotting their next move.


Hayez stood amidst the dense foliage, hidden in the shadows as he observed the unfolding chaos of the police raid. His eyes, sharp and calculating, scanned the scene before him, taking in every detail with precision.

From his vantage point, he watched as officers moved with purpose, their movements orchestrated with a rehearsed efficiency that belied the gravity of the situation.

With a casual demeanor, he popped a lollipop into his mouth, the sweetness of the candy contrasting with the tension in the air. A smirk danced on his lips, a silent testament to his confidence in the operation unfolding before him.

The thought of NCTECH's plan coming to fruition filled him with a sense of satisfaction.

But his amusement was short-lived as his gaze fell upon a figure standing outside the warehouse where the police raid was taking place.

Hayez's smirk faded as realization dawned upon him. The framing orchestrated by NCTECH had failed. Despite their meticulous planning, the authorities had uncovered the truth, leaving their nefarious scheme in ruins.

A surge of frustration washed over him, mingled with a gnawing sense of apprehension. If NCTECH's plan had been exposed, what would be the repercussions? And more importantly, how would they retaliate?

Without hesitation, he turned on his heel and made his way back through the forest, his footsteps silent against the forest floor. Retrieving his phone from his pocket, he dialed a familiar number, alerting his fellow NCTECH members to the unexpected development.

"Operation compromised," he said tersely into the phone, his voice low but urgent. "Abort mission and regroup. We need to reassess our strategy."

As he hung up the phone, Hayez's mind raced with thoughts of contingency plans and damage control. The game had changed, but he was determined to stay one step ahead of their adversaries. For in the world of organized crime, adaptability was key to survival.

Hayez cursed under his breath as he navigated the winding roads, frustration bubbling beneath his cool exterior. The woman detective, had proven to be more persistent than he had anticipated.

Her unwavering determination to uncover the truth had thrown a wrench into their carefully laid plans, leaving the NCTECH group teetering on the edge of exposure.

As he drove, Hayez's mind raced with thoughts of their precarious situation. Never before had they faced such intense scrutiny from law enforcement.

In the past, they had operated in the shadows, slipping through the cracks of the justice system with ease. But now, with a detective hot on their trail, they found themselves walking a tightrope between freedom and incarceration.

Arriving at a secluded hideout, Hayez gathered his fellow NCTECH members, their expressions tense with worry. They knew that they were in uncharted territory, facing an adversary unlike any they had encountered before.

"We need to lay low for now," Hayez said, his voice low but firm. "That detective has us in her sights, and we can't afford any slip-ups."

The group nodded in agreement, the gravity of their situation weighing heavily upon them. For the first time in their criminal careers, they were on the defensive, forced to retreat and regroup in the face of an adversary they could not easily outmaneuver.

As they settled into their temporary refuge, Hayez couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at him. The woman's persistence was a threat they could not ignore, and they needed to devise a plan to neutralize her before she could unravel their entire operation.

Hours passed, the tension in the air thickening with each passing moment. They knew that the police would not rest until they had uncovered the truth, and they needed to stay one step ahead if they hoped to evade capture.

Finally, as the night wore on, they reached a consensus. They would need to adopt a more cautious approach, minimizing their interactions with the outside world and keeping a low profile until they could devise a plan to neutralize Kory once and for all.

But even as they settled in for the night, Hayez couldn't shake the feeling of dread that lingered in the pit of his stomach.

They were in uncharted territory, facing an adversary who was determined to bring them to justice.

And in the dangerous game of cat and mouse they found themselves embroiled in, the stakes had never been higher.



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