ch ; 05

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- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒ 05 ༒ ˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -
No Mercy

The atmosphere in the damped warehouse-like headquarters was thick with tension as he stood over the bound and gagged figure before him. Sweat beaded on the man's forehead as he struggled against his restraints, his eyes wide with fear as he awaited the inevitable consequence of his failure.

His expression was impassive as he surveyed the scene before him, his mind racing with the weight of the decision he was about to make. It wasn't an easy task, delivering punishment to one of their own, but in the world of crime, failure was not tolerated, and debts had to be repaid.

With a steady hand, he reached for the gun at his side, his fingers curling around the cold metal as he steeled himself for what was to come. The man before him whimpered in terror, his pleas muffled by the cloth gag that bound his mouth shut.

"You know what needs to be done," He said, his voice devoid of emotion as he leveled the gun at the man's head. "You had your chance, and you failed."

The man's eyes widened in terror as realization dawned on him, the gravity of his situation sinking in like a lead weight in the pit of his stomach. He had known the risks when he took on the job, had understood the consequences of failure, but now, faced with the reality of his impending demise, he couldn't help but feel a sense of overwhelming despair.

"Please," he begged, his voice hoarse with desperation, "I'll do anything, I swear. Just give me another chance."

But his perpetrator's expression remained unchanged, his resolve unwavering as he stared down at the man before him. In the world of survival, there were no second chances, no mercy for those who couldn't deliver on their promises. It was a harsh reality, but one that had to be upheld in order to maintain the organization's dominance in the criminal underworld.

Without another word, he pulled the trigger, the sound of the gunshot echoing through the basement like a thunderclap. The man's body slumped to the ground, lifeless and still, as a pool of blood spread out around him.

For a moment, there was silence, broken only by the sound of hhis heavy breathing as he surveyed the scene before him. It was a grim reminder of the harsh realities of their world, a world where failure meant death and debts were paid in blood.

He surveyed the aftermath of his latest task, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of satisfaction at a job well done.

The debt had been repaid, the consequences meted out with ruthless precision, he knew that he had done what needed to be done to protect the group's interests, no matter the cost.

Turning away from the scene, he made his way through the corridors of the underground headquarters, his footsteps echoing softly against the cold, concrete walls. The weight of their actions hung heavy in the air, but he knew that it was a necessary evil, a means to an end in the cutthroat world of organized crime.


Reaching the kitchen, Hayez paused to grab a drink of water, the cool liquid soothing his parched throat as he leaned against the counter, lost in thought. The events of the past few hours replayed in his mind like a broken record, each moment etched into his memory with crystalline clarity.

Finally, the leader of their rival mafia group is now dead.

As he stood in the kitchen, lost in his thoughts, the quiet hum of the underground headquarters was interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching. Turning, he saw Rhys entering the room, his expression serious and determined.

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