Chapter 1

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It was so dark and cold in here. I could hear people crying and some muttering prayers. I pulled my knees up to my chest trembling with fear, what would happen to us?

My father spent his life hiding and protecting
me from this terrible world. A tear slipped down my cheek, his efforts had been futile, and now he was gone. A sob tore out of me, my kind loving father. The only person that had cared and protected me, my whole life. The only person I really only ever knew. Since the day I was born, my father kept me hidden away in his cottage. Providing me with as much as he could, I was content with just him, his love was enough.

He was a free man , and a sword smith who had fallen in love with a slave. She belonged to one of  Vampires that lived nearby the village. They had a child together, but she died giving birth and everyone thought I had as well.

He had wanted to protect me from them. He had taught me about something called the Treaty of Pax. Years before I was born, even many years before my father was born there had been a terrible war.  This war was between Vampires and humans, many died from both sides. When the war finished not many humans had been left, they had held up their own in the war, but at a price. Vampires although many had died outnumbered humans. Then the treaty of Pax was created so a war like this would not happen again. It was meant to hold peace. Rules were set, and laws laid down. Human slaves were legal only if born into slavery or a debt couldn't be paid. So since my mother was slave, so was I. They didn't care that my father wasn't a slave, my mother was and that was all that mattered. My father wanted better for me so I grew up in secret no one ever knew about me.

Until the the slavers came. My father lived in a small village where not many Vampires lived and the ones who did where peaceful. Most of what was left of the human race were slaves, and the ones who weren't lived in fear of slavers. An illegal trade of stealing humans so they can be sold off as slave, no one cared enough to stop it.

My father had come rushing into the cottage looking frantic and his eyes had held fear. I stood up from where I had been reading heart beating quickly, I had never seen him like this. He grabbed my face.

" Xylia I need you to listen to me, I love you no matter what. You cannot forgot that, they can't take that away from you", he kissed me on my forehead as he finished talking.

I started shaking my head, " papa what are you talking about" my voice came out panicked.

Then there was banging and shouts at the door, the door was shaking very violently. My fathers eyes filled with tears, and  I didn't understand what was happening.

Father grabbed my arm and rushed to the back of the cottage and pushed aside a chest filled with all the books my father had ever gotten me. Underneath I realized with a gasped was a small door.

" I need you to go down here and keeping moving down the passage until you come to an opening,
it will leave you at the edge of the village near the woods, Xylia run and never look back". His voice cracked at the end.

I shook my head violently, " Not without you papa, aren't you coming?" 

He smiled sadly, pushed me down and closed the door over me.

" NO LET ME OUT PLEASE PAPA COME WITH ME !" I yelled banging up at the door.

How could he do this to me I couldn't leave him to whatever was out there banging on the door. I gave up and slid to the ground sobbing. All of sudden I heard cruel laughter. I understood then that slavers had come for us.

I knew I couldn't do anything now so I ran. I neared the opening in woods which smelled of smoke. When I reached the woods I realized I wasn't alone. I turned around to face whoever was there. A small gasp left my mouth. The village was on fire. A group of Vampires and I knew they where vampires by their tall slim structures stood there. One of them had my father, while the rest of the vampires had the other humans that had lived here.

A vampire stepped forward , " There's always one who thinks they can escape". He threw his head back and laughed cruelly.

He grabbed my chin with his hand inspecting my face.

"Hmm you are a beautiful aren't you, what shall we do with you?"

"Please leave her alone, she's just a child do whatever you want with me !" My father cried.

The vampire let me go and turned towards my fathers. I ran towards my father and hugged him crying into his chest.

"You humans disgust me, so weak and vulnerable".

The vampire nodded his head at two other vampires and with inhumane speed ripped my father and me apart . The two other vampires grabbed my father and started beating him. I could tell they were holding back their strength, just so they could have a longer amount of time beating him without killing him. I screamed and cried and begged them to stop. They only laughed while the vampire that was obviously in charge held me back.

They beat him senseless, but after what seem like eternity they finally stopped. The vampire holding me threw me to floor and I crawled to where my father lay on the ground. He was still alive but barely. He was covered in bruises and blood, some  of his bones looked broken.

"Papa? " I whispered

He opened his swollen eyes and smiled. One of his hands reached up to wipe a tear , he winced as he did so.

"I love you sweetheart, they can't take that away remember. No matter what you will always be my daughter ." He said before he closed his eyes and his breathing ceased.

"No papa , please " I sobbed as I clung to his shirt . Someone was dragging me away from him . I kicked and screamed it didn't make a difference they took me away .

How could they do something so terrible to someone? Why ? What had my father ever done to them? I couldn't comprehend how it's was possible to be so cruel.

My father was wrong about one thing they could take his love away from me they had just done it . They had killed him with no remorse.

They had stuffed us into trucks to take us to the auction house. The threw us into cells that where cold and dark. And that was how I ended up here.

The vampire prince's slave [on hold until done editing]Where stories live. Discover now