Chapter 9

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My mouth hung slightly opened as I stared at myself in the mirror. The already unfamiliar face I was not accustomed  to see was now completely foreign. The girl in the mirror was surely not me, I didn't know her, she was complete stranger.

Her dark brown hair fell in waves a little past her breast, while mine came down to my waist limp and tangled. Her face was clean and glowed with  a nice pink twinge, while mine was sickly pale from never going out in the sun. All in all this girl was very well taken care of, me I never really cared for my appearance.

I knew I wasn't ugly, but I wasn't beautiful, I was simply plain. I continued to stare in the mirror trying to find where I had gone, but wait her eyes. There was something unmistakeable about her green eyes, they were widened filled with curiosity; the same curiosity I  knew very well.

"Where is my girl?" I heard Amity call out. The girls around me all responded back to Amity where I was. I heard light steps and saw Amity walking towards me with a big smile on her face through the mirror.


My cheeks burned red, I didn't know how to respond. How do you respond when someone as gorgeous as Amity tells you, you are the beautiful one? I wondered if Amity knew she was the exquisite one.

She spun my chair around and just stared. I shifted feeling uncomfortable with her just staring. She sighed and continued STARING.

"Amity um could you please stop staring at me", I asked her.

She laughed and shook her head.

"I'm sorry it's just that I know you're human but it's as if the Goddess Nox created you like she create us, except she used the beauty of her stars when she made you".

It was my turn to stare at her and my mouth dropped open. I couldn't help myself and let out a laugh. Once it came out I couldn't stop it, I had never laughed so hard, I was shaking and my stomach hurt.

Amity looked so confused. She was looking at me as if I had lost my mind. I was still shaking from laughter when she spoke again.

"Xylia I don't understand why you are laughing, I was serious, you're beautiful" she said as if simply stating facts.

I stopped laughing and looked up at her in disbelief.
" You can't be serious Amity, as a Vampire you must see many beautiful faces, yours included you're the exquisite one, and I don't believe that my plain human face is one of them".

She looked at me with a strange face and shook her head with a little sad smile on her face.

" I forgot humans never do see themselves for what they truly are".


I was nervous and slightly scared.

Amity had taken me to what she referred to as my personal closet. It was filled with clothes, all for me.  I was taken aback; I was thankful for the clothes I had never really owned much, much less ones made to accommodate my body. But something seemed to confuse me through out this day.

"Amity this is wonderful, I don't understand though from the impression I was given slaves are  treated horrible, left to starve and tortured. What I have been through here has been only generous and luxurious".

Amity only paying half attention to me as she shifted through the clothes- she seemed to excited about finding me something to wear- responded

"Sadly some are treated like shit, some are made into maids, some are just for feedings, some for sexual pleasures but personal slaves the most expensive kind of slaves, always the prettiest male or female humans are a little bit different. Vampire pay tons  of coins for the most beautiful human they can find and  basically keep them as a pet. They do whatever their master requires of them, be any of the jobs I stated before but personal slaves get to  go places. Their masters take them everywhere they go showing them off, that's why you need to be groomed. Different vampires have different amount of personal slaves, Raiden only ever keeps one at a time".

The vampire prince's slave [on hold until done editing]Where stories live. Discover now