Chapter 5

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After a few more hours we arrived at a huge palace.It was more beautiful then I had ever imagined.

We pulled up to a the entrance which was iron gates guarded by at least a dozens guards.

Raiden pulled down his window to show them who he was. As soon as they saw his face they immediately opened the gates.

We drove on a long path passing courtyards and gardens. I almost cried at the beauty and size of these gardens. Never in my whole life had I seen anything like this palace.

Finally we came to a halt. We stopped at a garage. Raiden stepped out of the car along with the other guard.

"Come on let's go Xylia,"Alec said.

I opened the door and walked towards the opening with Alec at my side. As I looked around I noticed it was a bunch garages connected together some held cars others didn't.

Raiden and the guard walked in front of us as we headed towards the palace. We reached two large doors where two guards stood. They greeted Raiden and opened the doors. We stepped into a hall. Raiden turned around.

"Guards you are dismissed thank you for your company." He spoke

The other guard immediately left. I froze I didn't want Alec to go, I felt comfort with him. He stiffened and looked at me his expression pained.

"Don't make me repeat myself." Raiden warned.

I looked at Alec and nodded my head at him I didn't want to get him in trouble just because I was afraid of being with Raiden on my own .Alec hesitated but left.

Raiden was in front of me in a heartbeat. I was looking down at my dirty shoes and saw a pair of black sneakers in front of mine.

A rough hand gently grabbed my chin and held it upwards so that I was looking at him. I quickly looked to the side afraid to make him mad.
We just stood like that for a long time.

"Look at me."

I didn't want to look at him, his presence made me uncomfortable. I kept looking off to the side. He gripped my chin roughly

"Look at me." He repeated louder.

I started shaking but I turned my eyes slowly to him. His eyes where examining every inch of my face. His met mine looking into them as if searching for something. My fear lessened as those beautiful eyes  stared into my own.

His gripped on my chin softened. Raiden used his other hand to lightly trace the slope of my nose and the outline of my cheek.

I was confused. I don't understand him what is he doing?

"Identical". Raiden murmured.

His words made absolutely no sense to me


He blinked as if he had been lost in thought and shook his head. He let go of my chin and stepped back.

His whole face lost any emotion it had held before and went back to stone. I knew I wasn't suppose to look at him anymore so I looked down again.

"It's time you meet Amity, slave". His voice rough.

I stood there dumbfounded about what just happened. But Raiden turned around and walked down the hall towards the stairs. I guess I was suppose to follow him so I trailed quickly after him. We past many halls and rooms.

These stairs seemed to go on for eternity and they probably did seeing as this  palace was enormous. Soon we came to a stop. From what I could see in the hall that we stood in only one room had it's doors wide open.

Raiden started walking towards it, and I followed him. As we walked into it I realize it was a dining room. There was a long table with candles and place mats. There was about ten chairs around it but only one was taken.

I took a step back in horror as I took in the sight before me. A small delicate looking little girl sat in the chair with a human boy on the edge of adulthood on her lap as she drained him of his blood.

"Iza didn't Amity say to lay off the snacks?" Raiden chuckled.

I clenched my jaw in anger but keep my mouth shut. He takes this as a joke an actual life as a joke.

The little girl slowly looks up with a smile and blood dripping down her chin. I can see her small fangs as she runs her tongue over them. She has dirty blonde hair and her eyes are startling.

They are the same color as the gems called rubies. My father had once showed me one that he was using for a sword. I remember being fascinated by the beauty of the exquisite red coloring it had.

Just like that time this little girl's red eyes fascinated me. She looked at Raiden and pushed the boy off her lap and he landed with a thud on the floor as she stood.

"What she doesn't know won't hurt her." She giggled into her hand.

She moved in front of Raiden in a second.

"You won't tell right brother?" She looked up at him with a pout and her large eyes filled with tears.

What on earth was wrong with this child. It was as if she felt no remorse for the life that she had just taken.

Raiden with humor in his eyes patted her head and shook his head.

"Izellah do not take me for a fool and wipe those crocodile tears away anyway you know there's no hiding anything from Amity," he said.

She stomped her foot on the ground as her delicate face contorted in anger but just as it was there it was gone. She starting giggling again.

"I guess you're right." She shrugged her shoulders. " I mean how can I possible hide four other bodies from her?"

What there was more? I look to the floor where she was sitting previously and gasped softly as I realized there was indeed five bodies on the floor.

The sound of my gasp caught the little girl's attention. She turned to face me as if she only now realized I was there.

As she did I could see her eyes widen with surprise when she took in my face.

The vampire prince's slave [on hold until done editing]Where stories live. Discover now