Chapter 6

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She whipped around so fast to face Raiden, I'm surprised she didn't break her neck.

"Is this Darcy?" Every one of Izellah's words laced with hope.

I was more confused than ever, who was  Darcy?

Raiden's eyes soften at Izellah before responding.

"I don't know ." He said this almost as a sigh.

I glanced at him and frowned, trying to comprehend what they where talking about.

Izellah turned back to look at me. She still had blood on her mouth but she was no longer smiling. Instead she wore a more serious expression.

"Oh." Was her simple response as if she knew not to press the subject anymore.

She took a step closer to me and I took one back. Her little delicate features contorted with hurt as I did so.

I almost felt bad, I would have, had I not just witness her taking someone's life.

She didn't take another step closer but she didn't move from where she stood. She cocked her head.

"Darcy?" She asked.

In that moment she looked so vulnerable. She looked at me hurt and confused, her lip wobbled a bit.

I don't know who Darcy was or why she called me that but I didn't respond to correct her. I just scrunched my dress nervously and looked away.

"That's enough Izellah, we will talk about this later now tell me where Amity is." Raiden spoke his voice rough again.

Izellah looked like she wanted to protest but Raiden gave her a sharp look before she could open her mouth.

"I don't know", she responded angrily. And just like that she was out of the room in flash.

But just as she was gone a young woman walked into the room. She looked only slight older than me but I knew she was probably a lot older considering I could tell she was a vampire. She was lovely, tall with light brown skin. Her eyes and curly hair where dark.

She came in with a warm smile but quickly change into a frown. She was looking at the bodies Izellah had left.

She let out a frustrated groan.

"How many time do I have to tell that girl not to go on snacking sprees it's like she never learns. IZZELLAH BLAIR ZOPYROS YOU COME DOWN H-"

Raiden interrupted her before she could finished yelling.

"Don't bother she's in one of her moods."

She looked at Raiden and shook her head with a sad smile then turned to look at me.

"I'm guessing this is your new slave?"
One of her eyebrow quirked with interest.

"She's not like the others you usually go for the feisty blonds, she's more tentative, afraid not to mention she's a brunette. Why the change?"

"There doesn't need to be a reason", He growled out. "You know what to do with her."

Then there was only the woman and me in the room. I shift nervously. She was smiling again.

"Hello human, I am the great and powerful commanding Amity! ... or otherwise known as overseer of the palace but hey it's basically the same thing. What's your name human or do you enjoy being called human?"

I was kind of surprised she even bothered talking to me. Other than Alec every other vampire had ignore or threatened me. Maybe she different from Aaron and even Raiden.

But I knew that even if she may seem harmless I still needed to be cautious.

"Xylia." I said carefully.

She stared at me in amusement.

"Cute, well Xylia let's get you cleaned up because you look like shit no offense." She said as her eyes examining me and she scrunched her nose.

I smiled because I could tell she didn't mean it to be offensive. Maybe I could use a friend here.

" YES! I knew it. WHOOP!" She pounded the air with her fist. "I knew I could get a smile out you." She laughed

I couldn't help but let out a soft giggle along with her. I liked Amity, she wasn't what I expected from vampires.

I expected Aaron's cruelness not this loud silly girl. She was what do you call it, eccentric ?

Okay it's finally out ! Hopefully the next chapter will be out soon. What do you guys think so far? - Cat

The vampire prince's slave [on hold until done editing]Where stories live. Discover now