Chapter 7

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I sat in a stool in front of Amity. She was wiping dirt and blood off my face with a small towel.

I flinched as she past the towel over the part of my face Aaron had hit.

She stopped cleaning my face up and backed up a few inches. She didn't say anything for quite a while.

Finally she brought her wrist to her hand and bit down on it.

I started freaking out.


She released her wrist which was now covered in blood, bright red blood. It was lighter than human blood;it was almost transparent.

"Calm down, it's only to heal your bruise now drink up." She said as she offered me her wrist.

I stared at her confused.

"Why would you hurt yourself to heal a minor injury on me? It's not worth it. You didn't have to tear at your veins so I wouldn't have to deal with some discomfort." I softly told her.

She looked almost shocked at my words before she frowned.

"Oh Xylia you are to sweet for your own good and you shouldn't be talking because even though I barely know you I can almost guarantee you got that bruise from putting yourself on the line to save someone. Now drink." She ordered seriously.

I glanced up at her then back at her hand before looking back up at her again worried I might hurt her.

I know it sounded ridiculous, a human hurting a vampire? But I couldn't help it.

She sighed before speaking again.

"Don't worry about me Xylia I heal faster than you which means you better hurry before my wound closes."

I finally gave in and took her wrist gently and sucked on her blood. It was sweet and metallic.

As I drank it I immediately felt my cheek stop throbbing, but not just that every soreness and stiffness in my body was gone.

I detached my mouth from her wrist and wiped my mouth. Sure enough her wound was now only slightly red mark.
"Thank you Amity."

She smiled brightly at me.

"No problem there's nothing the wonderful and powerful Amity cannot fix." She said arrogantly.

I arched an eyebrow.

"Okay there might be something I can't fix but I haven't found it yet so until then I can fix everything." She smiled once more showing me her fangs.

It's was because of her fangs that I looked down at my lap. I contemplated
asking her the question that had been in my minds since she offered me her blood.
"Amity?" I asked tentatively.


I looked up at her.


Amity looked confused before she realized what I was talking about.

Her tone was light and playful as she spoke but had a serious undertone.

"What vampires do to humans isn't right and I know they aren't treated like actual beings but I just sit here prepping young girls for their deaths and say nothing about it? I feel it always clawing at my conscious. But your different."

I leaned forward and clasp her hand in mine.
"What do you mean?"

"Those girls that came in here the blond feisty ones it was like they had given up even before they where sold. Sure they where fiery but it was their facade.They knew they where to die and they revolted so they could have a sliver of control before their deathbeds. And honestly they didn't care they would die they where already dead. But you my sweet Xylia you may be a lamb but you have a fire in you eyes." She gripped my hand gently before continuing.

"Because I like you Xylia and I want you to live you must listen to me carefully. You will be Raiden's personally slave you must do everything he demands of you. I know it sounds harsh but you must do everything to survive. He already saw something different in you and that why he chose you but he is violent and unpredictable never forget that okay?" She whispered the last part still holding my hand.

I should have been frightened with the new information she had just told me but I felt stronger knowing now that vampires like Amity existed.

" Thank you Amity. I mean it, you have been my only true friend here who has help me and I will never forget the kindness you showed me I will remember it when I feel like giving up. I will think of the girl who tore at her veins for me."

She was now back to her eccentric self. All smiles and bright eyes . She gave my hand one last squeeze before she let go.

"Okay it's definitely time to get you out of the white horrid dress. It's late so let's find you something comfortable to sleep in its time you get your rest."

She shifted through some more cabinets before throwing me some clothes and exiting the room.

"I'll be right outside when your done."

I yawned now barely realizing how tired I was. It had been a long day full of unpleasant and pleasant surprises. But at the end of every day I still felt the loss of my father. Oh father what am I going to do without you? My fingers went to my other hand to twirl my ring.

I remember I was supposed to be changing so I took off the dress and sneakers before putting on the slightly big long sleeve shirt and baggy sweats. She had also giving me socks which I put on. I left my dirty clothes in a trash were Amity told me to put them before I stepped out.

When Amity saw me she burst out laughing.

"You look like the clothes is going to swallow you, I promise tomorrow we'll have clothes your size."

"They're not that baggy. Aaaaahmity stop laughing!" I whined.

She finally stopped remembering she was suppose to be doing something.

"Xylia your room is connected to Raiden's lets get you there."

I stiffened. I was afraid of Raiden he was unpleasant and seem to like threatening me.

Amity must have noticed my discomfort because she told me:

"Be brave Xylia."

I hope you guys enjoyed. :) -Cat

The vampire prince's slave [on hold until done editing]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang