Chapter 11

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The human girl stared at the retreating vampires' backs. She admired how good they looked together once more before sighing and pondering if she was suppose to go back to her room or if she was allowed to stay.

Looking around eyes wide with still so much wonder and curiosity, Xylia decided that she would stay and enjoy the rest of the festival. She hoped Raiden wouldn't mind too much.

It seemed to her a shame that she would miss out on all the merriment and happiness around her. The night and it's people were hers to watch.

The sun was low and  filled the sky with beautiful shades of red and orange as it set. The night promised to be long and joyous.

Xylia still standing in the spot Raiden had left her began noticing couples being openly passionate all around and quickly averted her eyes and a deep red blush filled her cheeks.

She shied away from the sexual acts going on around her, and began walking  in a different direction and started observing  other the festivities.

Her green eyes lit with awe at everything she saw and couldn't help but wish every night to be just like this one.

It was then that Xylia noticed something particular, drinks and food platters floated about.

She grew curious, was this magic ? Her father had once told her a story about beautiful wicked women-not exactly human-who possessed unearthly powers.  She now wondered if the floating foods and beverages were somehow their doing.

She continued observing, when a tray floated near Xylia and stopped. The tray held bright green beverages.

Of course the girl knew  better then to drink unknown beverages, so she walked in the opposite direction hoping the tray would not follow her.

Unfortunately for her it did, it even nudged her arm. Xylia cocked her head in question and tentatively grabbed a drink.

It still stayed there, so she held the glass to her lips uncertainly and took the tiniest sip. As soon as she did that the platter continued on its way.

The drink burned the back of her throat a bit at first but after the first of it went down it was rather smooth. She felt it's warmth spread through her body and she continued to drink. Xylia liked it, it was sweet, it reminded her of somehow of flowers and made her feel a little giddy.

She tipped her head back and finished her drink. Nothing happened to her so Xylia decided it wasn't something poisonous.

Rather she felt wonderful, ecstatic even. Her lids became heavy and her cheeks were flushed with color.

Xylia continued her walk enjoying it a bit more now before coming to a river. She decided to sit down next to it on some grass and just relax.

The river was filled with laughing Vampires and humans splashing about. She could still hear the music but now it seemed softer and slower.

She slid her feet out of sandals and closed her eyes. Her fingers and toes playing in the grass.
Here she felt so at peace and happy. Xylia had always found comfort in nature, although she was never exposed to it very often. She smiled a bit as she thought she could almost feel the music vibrating through the earth she sat on.

A few feet in front of her, stood Alec awed at the sight he beheld. She almost seem as if she wasn't from this realm in that moment.

Her head was tilted back and her hair tumbled down in waves, the fire torches casting a golden look to her brown hair. Her skin was full of color, cheeks and lips as pink as a rose. She had a small smile on her lips and Alec was pretty sure this human girl could bring him to his knees.

" If I was an artist I would paint you exactly as you are now, The beautiful Heartha".

Xylia opened her eyes at the sound of Alec's voice and met his eyes as she let out a wonderful laugh.

Alec's knees weakened.

Xylia thought it was possibly the funniest thing she had ever heard in her life, but she was pretty sure that anything in that moment would have caused her to burst out in laughter.

" And who is Heartha?" She giggled.
As soon as she said that her attention snapped to another platter, this one held yellow drinks.

She knew she just had to try that one! She got to her feet and raced past Alec who looked confused.

The platter stopped as Xylia approached and she grabbed a yellow drink and gulped it down.

She thought it was wonderful, and for a second it crossed her mind that maybe that's what sunshine tasted like.

Alec watched in amusement as Xylia threw her head back and let out that wonderful laugh again.

Xylia looked around noticing more drinks around the area  in all different kinds of colors.

She would try them all!

On her fourth drink, this one pink Alec decided watching her movements that this probably wasn't the best idea and snatched the cup away.

" Woahhh there little Heartha, have you ever one of these before ?"

Alec was so close to her now and Xylia couldn't help but to blush.

He thought it was the cutest thing ever.

Xylia looked up at him and wondered how she hadn't noticed the little golden flecks in his eyes before ?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2019 ⏰

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