Chapter 10

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It was magnificent. The Aestes Festival was truly a wonderful thing, I could see why Amity loved it so much. We were somewhere on palace grounds, out in open grassy field. Joyous shrieks and laughter rang through the air. The warm summer air was sweet and fresh, and smelled slightly of foods that made my mouth water. Vampire, and humans alike dancing enjoying themselves, all dressed in similar outfits to Amity and me. Bright flowers adorned the food tables and even were along the fire torches that kept the late afternoon filled with light. There was a lake and I could see people splashing about.

But the one thing that struck me the most was the music, oh the music that played through the air. It  was wonderful, how could I have lived my whole life without it.

Amity was smiling down at me with a knowing look. She then excused herself, and promised me she would check on me later.

Everywhere Raiden went, I had to trail behind like a puppy. Everyone stared at him either in awe or fear. He greeted many people, and many stared at me with a look I couldn't place. It made my skin crawl.

We were at a group of men. I noticed they all seemed to have a human with them, beautiful girls and even boys. They all wore collars like me.  One man was speaking.

" where did you find the rare beauty ? She is stunning - and I could literally smell the innocence off of her. She's not your usual type, if you ever want her off your hands just pass her to me".

His words made me shiver, there was something off about this vampire. He was attractive yes, but almost in a cruel way.

Raiden chuckled, " She is quite a sight isn't she ? Cato if you wanted my seconds, you could have just asked a while back, it would have saved me the trouble of having to kill all those blonde trash".

I stayed quiet the whole time, in truth I was scared and knew talking would bring consequences so I tried to focus on just the music instead.

All of the vampires laughed, including the man identified as Cato.

" No your highness, just this beautiful brunette right here" He said as he looked me up and down with a hungry look.

I suddenly felt more exposed then I did a moment ago. I took a slight step back which caused the men to laugh harder.

I thought Raiden was going to respond, but his eyes snapped forward into a crowd of people and smiled.  wow...He really was breathtaking, and it made me wonder how can something so beautiful be filled with so much hate.

In the direction which Raiden was looking a woman appeared. Once again, I was astonished at how beautiful these creatures where. She was devastating, and as she walked many turned in her direction. She was smiling back at Raiden.

Her dark hair was loosely held up, while a few strands framed her face. A gold band circulated her head, and as she got closer I noticed a gold tear drop adorned her face right below her right eye. Her eyes were the lightest green. She wore clothes similar to everyone else's, yet more elegant.

She stood right in front of Raiden, the sweetest smile on her face

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She stood right in front of Raiden, the sweetest smile on her face. Standing there, in front him they looked so perfect together, both so beautiful and brimming with power.

But then I remembered that he already had someone, the girl that had come out of his room the night before.

Raiden still with a smile on his face bowed to her and kissed her hand.

"Lady Audrina".

She giggled.

" I should be the one bowing, your highness", She replied as she curtsied to him.

She stood up straight, and they stood there staring at each other. Until they both burst into laughters and she threw her hands around him and he swung her around.

I looked at them curiously, shocked even. They looked so happy, and so familiar with each other. Raiden almost seemed like a completely different person.

"Audrina I've missed you, where have you been it's been a while". Raiden voice still as arrogant as ever although I did notice his voice softened a bit with her.

Hmmmmm. My heart warmed a little. This gave me hope, maybe Raiden wasn't so bad, he was very rude and unpleasant to me but- I hoped with all my heart maybe there was good in him still.

The group of Vampires had resumed talking on their own now, had moved on topics. I was relieved they made me so uncomfortable I shivered.

The stunning woman, Audrina replied, " traveling around the kingdom being here and there. Celindra always amazes me, the most beautiful land of course, but what can you expect it's the capital".

Raiden grinned, " Celindra is the best of the best isn't it? Although Tarewen comes in close, speaking of it how is your home?"

She kind of sighed and her gorgeous face became sad and almost lost looking.

" I haven't been to Tarewen since I became of age but I know I must return duty calls. I just despise being there it's so lonely and demanding".

Raiden put his arm over her shoulder and as if he just remembered I was there turned a bit and said

"Slave you're dismissed".

The vampire prince's slave [on hold until done editing]Where stories live. Discover now