Chapter 3

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The whole hallway went quiet. All the vampires stiffened and instantly kneeled down.

I looked up to see who had spoken. My breath was taken away as I stared at this beautiful man. He was tall and in his early twenties. I knew he was a vampire and powerful one because of the way the other vampires coward away.

To say he was beautiful was to say the least. He had dark blue eyes and though they were stunning they where cold and distant. His dark blonde hair was neatly combed back from his striking features. He was accompanied by two men who looked liked guards.

Aeron was the first to speak still kneeling down.

"My sincere apologies Prince Raiden Zopyros, I didn't mean for any guest to witness this pitiful human's spectacle. I was teaching her to not interfere with other peoples business, I shall continue somewhere private. Hope you enjoy your visit and find what your looking for in this fine collection of slaves, now if you excuse me I should get back to little runaway."

This man was the prince of vampires? I thought he was powerful I didn't know he was that powerful. His eyes briefly passed over me for a mere second before looking at Aeron.

Aeron roughly pulled me off the floor by arm and started to drag me off with him.

"How much for her?" The prince called out his face devoid of emotion.

I stared at him in shock. Was it possible this vampire was actually saving me?

Aeron looked shocked as well.

"Um sir this slave is actually not for sell I was planning to keep her."

What no! Please save me from him. Aeron would surely kill me. I started panicking. I knew I wasn't very valuable and the prince probably didn't care but I didn't want to die at the hands of Aeron.

"Name a price and I'll pay it I want this slave." The prince said firmly.

"Well if you put it that way, 10,000 pieces of gold." Aeron was almost jumping with joy.

My eyes widened surely he wouldn't pay that much for me.

"Give him the money ." Raiden told one of the men that look like guards.

He turned around a started walking away while one guard grabbed me from Aeron and push me to walk I turned to look at the women and child. The woman caught my eye and smiled she mouthed thank you. I nodded my head at her.

The guard and I walked a few paces behind Raiden. I didn't speak and kept my head down. I knew I had to thank him for saving me but I was a bit fearful. We continued to walk through the hallway and up some stone stairs into what look like the entrance of the building. I could see the opening a head.

I decided to be brave and go thank him. After all he did probably save my life. I was sure Aeron was planning to torture me to death.

I had to skip to catch up with Raiden since I was so short and he was so tall. His strides were longer and faster. I walked quickly along side him to stay at pace.

"H-hello.... my names Xylia." I whispered.

I knew he heard me because my father had taught me all about vampires. They had super strength and speed. Better sight and hearing. I was doubting that at the moment though.

He kept walking looking straight ahead with a blank face. I tried again.

"Thank you very much for saving me from Aeron." I said as sweetly as I could.

Still no reaction.

"I know I'm not important at all to you but I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart  for saving me." I spoke a little bit louder though still shyly.

Suddenly I was slammed into the wall next to me and held up by the neck.

Raiden's eyes held rage.

"What makes you think you can talk to me little girl? I could care less what your name is you'll always be slave to me. You think I saved you? I'll make you wish Aeron had killed you. You still want to thank me ." He snarled.

I felt tears starting to form but I didn't let them fall. I was so stupid how could I actually think this Vampire wanted to save me I was just a cowardly human girl.

He glared at me with his beautiful eyes that burned with raged.

"You humans disgust me."

He let me go and I slid to the floor. He continued walking and I scrambled to stand up. One guard looked at me sympathetically and walked beside me. I don't know why but I felt drawn to this guard like something inside me pulled me to him.

We reached an elegant vehicle and I touched it lightly with fascination. Raiden got into the front seat while one guard sat next to him up front. The guard who walked with me motioned me to get in. I did and he slid in next to me. Raiden started the car and drove.The car was gaining speed at high velocity.

I looked forward to the front and found Raidens eyes on me through the mirror. I quickly looked away afraid to anger him again. I rolled down the window and looked around the car to so if anyone was going to yell at me. But no one seemed to care.

Soon I was in my own world as the wind whipped me in the face. At this point the car was going super fast. I giggled. Instead of being scared the speed made me feel giddy. The guard sitting next me looked down at me curiously. I smiled up at him. Maybe he was friendly. This pull that I felt made me feel safe with him.

"Hi!" I said louder than I usually spoke since I was feeling giddy from the speed.

The guard smiled back at me.

"Hey there little one." He spoke softly.

He was nice, I knew it ! Somehow I knew he would never hurt me. I decided then and there that I liked this brown-eyed guard.

"What's your name?" I asked him

"Alec and yours is ?" He dimpled.

" My names Xylia."

I reached up and poked his dimple.

"Your dimple comes out when you smile it's lovely."

Alec winked at me.

"So I've been told , but not as lovely as your name, a beautiful name for a beautiful girl."

He dimpled again. I blushed and looked down. No one had ever called me beautiful not that I had met a lot of people.

"Awe your so adorable when you blush you know that?" He look at at me with amusement.

"Who told the slave she could talk?" A quiet but deadly voice asked.

No one spoke for a moment. I gulped I was scared of this vampire. Alec started to talk. I grabbed his hand I shook my head at him. I didn't want him to get in trouble because of me.

I spoke quietly " Sorry I didn't mean to anger you, I will be quiet now if you wish."

"Slave, you will not speak unless you are spoken to and you will always call me master now I don't want to hear another word out of you for the next 5 hours that we are on the road. Am I clear?"

I was about to answer but thought better of it and nodded my head. I knew he saw me in the mirror . When I knew he had gone back to looking at the road I looked out the window.

I wondered if I would be happy in this new life. I looked down and notice I was still holding Alec's hand. I tried to let go but he just held on to my hand. I looked up at him and he just shrugged.

So I left my hand there and stared out the window. I liked holding Alec's hand it made me feel less lonely. Soon I was drifting off into oblivion.

The vampire prince's slave [on hold until done editing]Where stories live. Discover now