Part 4: A rescue

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(I know, I know, I'm sorry for this being late. You can go ahead and tell me how much of a garbage writer I am :( the reason why this is late is because I've just been working on a few things that I'm excited to share with you guys. Anyways I'll try to work on this more often and hopefully it doesn't take me a month to update, haha. Enjoy:)

After Y/n was able to get the two to a save place he got a call from Eddie asking if wanted to join him at Coney Island with the others. Y/n agreed since he could use a break from work.

Y/n made it to Coney Island in normal clothing. He walked over to where the others were.

"Look who finally arrived. Got lost in traffic?" Eddie said patting his brothers back.

"Yeah I guess you can say that." Y/n with a small chuckle. "Come on let's go play a few games." The four walked over to a stand and began to play a few rounds.

After that The four went over to another stand where you needed to knock down a few cans. Harry gave it a try first but missed.

"Reminds me the time when you tried for the baseball team, Harry." Y/n said with chuckle.

"Hahaha, funny. Why don't you give it a try." Harry tossed his the ball.

"Watch and learn." Y/n ready his throw before missing the target. The others just laughed. "Yeah how about let's go play a different game." He said trying to change the subject out of embarrassment.

The four then continued to play a few games and go on a few rides. As they continued to have a good time. Y/n and Harry went off to ride a roller coaster, while MJ and Eddie rode some go karts.

"You know, I never got to thank you for helping with Eddie. I'm really thankful for you, man."

"Of course man anything for you. You were always there for me. You were there when my mom died, and when my know.

"Yeah...I'm sorry about that. just happy to call you my friend." The two then pulled each other into a bro hug before heading to the roller coaster.

After a minute the four regrouped and got some snacks. As they walked around the two noticed a small crash happened at the go karts. They looked on as Tombstone ran over to help the civilian.

"Is that Tombstone?" MJ said a surprised to see him. "What is he doing here?"

"Looks like he's trying to help?" Tombstone then helped the man up and made sure he was okay.

"Come on let's go play a few more games." The four then walked off. The flour continued to play a few more games before playing a one called 'muscle up.'

Y/n decided to give it a try. He slammed down on the target but not too hard. He almost managed to get a perfect score. Eddie then decided to give it a turn.

"Don't stress yourself too much." Y/n said handing him the hammer.

"Don't worry about me. Just watch as I get a perfect." He said. In a cocky way. He then slammed down the hammer which made the bell zip up and fly off the machine.

Y/n and the others looked at him in shock. "I guess you've been hitting the gym." Y/n joked.

(Bro got 19 inches of venom in him:)

This is my destiny (Spider-Man Male reader in the mcu)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora