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Sunoo smiled smugly, hoping that it annoyed Sunghoon even more that he had almost pushed Dae into being so excited to go with him. Eyes glancing over to Sunghoon, Sunoo finalised, "It's a date."

With Sunghoon watching him, Sunoo wrapped his hand around Sunghoon's untouched glass of coke, lifting it to his lips and taking a long sip.

At his words, Dae smiled, going back to eating, and Sunghoon immediately looked at the girl, declaring, "I'll come to."

Dae laughed before she looked up, pulling her brows together as she dismissed, "It's fine, Hoon. I know you don't like it there and me and Sunooie will have fun alone."

"So much fun." Sunoo echoed, just because he could.

He watched as Sunghoon swallowed, breathing in and out before he tried again, "I want to. Really."

"Are you sure?" She asked, narrowing her eyes.

"Yeah, Sunghoon." Sunoo chimed in. "There's no need. Dae wants to go with me."

"And I want to go with Dae."

"You don't like the cinema." Sunoo simply stated, like that was a fact he'd known his whole life and not just discovered two minutes ago.

"I can learn to like it." Sunghoon countered, forcing a smile to stop himself from overheating.

"No need." Sunoo smiled too, not realising he hadn't blinked this entire time or even taken a breath, too focused on making Sunghoon snap.

"Dae's my girlfriend, I can go to the cinema with her." Sunghoon retaliated, his smile beginning to fade.

That word - girlfriend - made Sunoo feel sick again. But for some reason, he didn't back down, his skin turning hot and his own jaw wanting to clench, he only grew more annoyed. At this point, Sunoo's not even sure why. Maybe Sunghoon has just begun to elicit that reaction in him with the way he looked at him - always so cold and harsh.

"Apparently you can't, so I'll take her."

A small laugh passed Sunghoon's lips, though there was no humour in it. "No, you'll-"

"Why don't you both take her?" Someone said next to them, making Sunghoon and Sunoo both turn to Heeseung.

Then, with an awkwardness spreading through them, they realised that everyone had begun to watch them. Apparently they had been too focused on the other to notice anything else, even the conversations ending around them and eyes sticking to them.

"Or maybe Dae should go alone if you're both gonna be that loud." Jake suggested, taking a bite from his burger.

Feeling awkward, both with the attention and the fact they had been caught fighting, Sunoo awkwardly laughed, "I'll be quiet, Dae."

"Me too." Sunghoon assured, inviting himself once and for all as he took a bite of his own burger.

"Okay, okay. If you're both sure." She laughed, none of them reading too much into their conversation. Maybe Sunoo had overexaggerated the amount of tension he felt. Afterall it was Sunghoon, and Sunoo always felt tense around him.

Belatedly, as they were all eating, Sunoo realised that tomorrow he was going to go and see a movie and have dinner with Dae and Sunghoon. Alone.


"I have no idea how you haven't moved out yet." Jay snorted, taking another sip of his drink.

Sunoo only laughed, easing up a little but still not talking as much as the others. Jake on the other hand was fitting right in, reacting to all of their stories and giving up his own.

"Well, he is kinda hot." Jake reasoned, shrugging but then sighing as he added, "Though that does not excuse the amount of weird shit I've walked in on."

"I'd still switch with you." Ni-ki announced, sharing his own stories of his terrible roommate as he continued, "I had a test last week and they watched the entire Lord of the rings trilogy on the highest volume. I swear I was about to sue whoever made those films for making them so long."

Everyone laughed at Ni-ki, his tone on the verge of tears at the memory. He looked beyond jealous as he pointed a finger across the table, swaying it between Jungwon and Sunoo. "You two have no idea how lucky you have it."

"I don't know... Sunoo's probably seen more than he'd like." Jungwon chuckled but Sunoo interrupted him with a soft smile, some of his love for the older shining through.

"You're the best roommate I could ask for Hyung. And Heeseung is the best almost roommate." He added with a chuckle, Heeseung having spent enough time there to declare him an honorary resident of the dorm.

"He's not even a little bit annoying?" Sunghoon asked, and it took Sunoo a second to realise he was speaking to him. Afterall he wasn't verging on a threat or wielding a knife.

"No, Hyung's the best." He answered, confident with his answer.

"Aww, you're the best too, Sunooie." Jungwon smiled right back, but Sunoo's eyes lingered on Sunghoon.

"I mean... maybe you could wear a shirt more often but..." Jungwon let the rest of his sentence hang in the air, his amused smile showing he wasn't really annoyed.

As the words fell from his mouth, Sunghoon averted his gaze, looking over at Jungwon and leaving Sunoo to do the same.

Awkwardly scratching the back of his neck, Sunoo apologised, "Ahh, sorry Hyung."

"I'm on Sunoo's side, the dorm rooms get way too hot." Ni-ki agreed, falling back into his seat as he thought about it.

"You should all come to mine, it's like the Antarctic." Jake complained, a groan slipping from his lips.

Then Jay was agreeing, making them all delve into a conspiracy about why the rooms were either too hot or too cold. But Sunoo didn't pay much attention to them, the words blurring in his mind. Instead, he caught the way Sunghoon and Dae had started to hold hands on the table. It was such a simple gesture, they probably hadn't even noticed it.

It was entirely out of his control when Sunoo imagined what it would feel like to be so casually intimate with Sunghoon, to want to touch each other so much that their hands found the other without thought.

He didn't want to think that, of course he didn't. He shouldn't be thinking that.

Dae was his friend. She was a good person. She didn't deserve one of her friends fawning over her boyfriend behind her back.

Moreover, Sunghoon was an asshole. He was irritating and infuriating and everything he said made Sunoo want to scream. Yet... here Sunoo was. Looking at their intertwined hands, wishing it was him instead.

Sunoo had thought about telling her. A million times he had almost told her. In fact, Sunoo had wanted to tell her the very first day he developed a crush on Sunghoon, before he even knew what they were. But every time the words were on the tip of his tongue, that feeling came back. The one that was guilt and jealousy and hurt and everything else he had felt since the first day he found out he could never have Sunghoon, and he'd always be hurting his friend by being in love with him.

Besfriend's Boyfriend | sunsunWhere stories live. Discover now