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All sound echoed around the room like he was under water - ringing in his ears, distant but suffocating.

"Park Sunghoon."

He heard his name a few more times but Sunghoon didn't recognise it, he couldn't register anything beyond the sickness rising in his throat and the heartbeat pounding through his mind.

It felt like Sunghoon was lost and drowning.



Sunghoon looked at him, eyes glossy and glazed over, panic written in them like it was all he knew.

Sunoo didn't know what was happening, he couldn't decipher what was real between the glimpses of awaited words whispered into his skin and demanding calls of Sunghoon's name, soft touches and harsh realities. It was all too hazy and it was all too unfair.

Sunoo didn't want this to be real.

"How could you do this to Dae?" The voice said and Sunoo instantly felt guilt bloom inside of him as he looked up, vision settling from his slumber to focus on Misun.

Initial confusion soon turned into dread that soon turned into fear as Sunoo sat up, pushing against the pillows and clutching the cover to his body.

"Oh my god." Sunoo uttered, eyes wide and body still, hands shaking where they tried to hide his naked torso.

It was no use. Misun had seen them together in bed, naked and cuddling, clothes thrown around the room.

Sunoo felt sick. Sick and dizzy and overwhelmed. He couldn't even begin to know how Sunghoon felt. Sunghoon.


Sunoo looked to his side again, finding Sunghoon frozen in place, pale and shaking. Clearly speechless and in distress. Sunoo felt horrible knowing how bad he must feel right now. Sunoo knew Sunghoon was struggling with all of this when it was only them, adding his Eomma into the mix must be terrifying.

"It's not what-"

"Get out." Misun interrupted Sunoo, making his blood run cold. Sunoo stopped immediately, but he couldn't do as she said.

Not just because he didn't want to leave Sunghoon but because he was not ready to expose himself further to Misun.

Eyes snapping to her son, Misun instructed, "You too. Out of this bed this instance."

Finally, Sunghoon was showing signs of life, lips parting and eyes falling down. It took a few attempts to speak, but eventually he stuttered, "H-he can't, Eomma."

As he looked up, only meeting an expectant glare, Sunghoon reluctantly furthered, "We're both... nake-"

"Enough." She interrupted, thankfully putting an end to the pain that was that sentence.

Sunoo was a blushing mess, burning to the point it made him physically sick. His eyes pressed closed, not braving whatever was awaiting him.

Instead he heard as Misun sighed, scolding, "Why would you throw your future away like this? You have a plan, Sunghoon."

There was suffocating silence apart from Sunoo's heartbeat, and the distant sound of what he was sure was Sunghoon's erratic heartbeat.

"I can't believe you would do this. You are proposing to Dae in less than a year and you're in bed with a boy?"

Sunoo tried to ignore the pain in his chest, the mixture of guilt and remorse and the overwhelming sense that he was an idiot for thinking he was anything more than a bump in the road of Sunghoon's love life.

Besfriend's Boyfriend | sunsunWhere stories live. Discover now