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In a whirlwind of bags and belongings, Sunoo crashed through the door of his dorm and didn't even wait until he reached his bed before he dropped everything on the floor. It took more effort than usual to carry himself here, like every step was equal to a thousand. All he wanted to do was collapse onto his bed, something he couldn't do before. Besides the few moments he allowed himself to cry against the door, Sunoo hadn't stopped - he'd needed to get out of that house immediately. He needed to be away from him.

Now, Sunoo was free to truly stop. To push the door shut and fall into his covers and stare at the ceiling like that would hold answers. Sunoo felt actual disappointment when there in fact wasn't any next steps sprawled across the ceiling. He just needed someone, anything, to tell him what to do and how to feel.

Heartbroken. Stupid. Pathetic. Embarrassed. Dumb. Hurt. Sick. Guilty. Lost. Heartbroken.

Sunoo couldn't breathe. The words spiraled within him until they were pulling him down as well, dragging him into despair. Quickly, he sat up, hand flying to his chest, like that would force his heartbeat to slow down.

It didn't work, nothing worked. Everything was going too quickly, everything was falling apart and Sunoo couldn't fix anything and the worse part of it all was that he knew, he knew, Sunghoon was the only thing that could calm him down right now.

The very source of his pain and the reason for his comfort.

Sunoo couldn't breathe.

"I thought I saw yo- Fuck, Sunooie are you okay?"

Sunoo couldn't register anything but the lack of air in his lungs and the aching in his chest. He didn't feel the hand on his thigh or see the person crouching in front of him until they were almost yelling.

"Sunoo, look at me. Please, hey, right here."

Slowly, Sunoo managed to place the world in front of him before his thoughts. However, oxygen still refused to work with him and his hand pulled at his hoodie, everything feeling too uncomfortable on his skin.

"Uhh, l-look for something blue!"

Sunoo felt confusion through his thoughts, mind spinning and nothing making sense. The walls felt tight and his head felt small, crowded, overwhelmed.

"Sunoo, I need you to tell me something that's blue in your room. Now."

Still looking forward, Sunoo eventually made out Dae's strawberry blonde hair and worried eyes. Then he was lazily following orders although his thoughts tried to pull him back in.

He looked around his room, blinking more than usual and struggling to breathe but he finally spotted a tshirt on the floor and registered its colour.

"T-the shirt. The- There." Sunoo managed through gasps.

"Good. Now green."

So Sunoo looked again, chest falling and rising as his head tilted and swayed, looking to another item.

"My- The book o-on my desk."

Dae was nodding, and Sunoo slowly realised her hand was rubbing his thigh firmly. It gave him another thing to focus on, as well as his next task.

"Now white, okay?"

Sunoo nodded too, realising how dry his throat felt as his breaths became more sharp but not as frequent.

"U-umm, the walls, I guess?"

"Sure, that works." She smiled, her other hand meeting Sunoo's other thigh. "What about black?"

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