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"It's normal right?"

"Sunoo.... my dearest friend, my precious protégé... you're a dumbass."


"Of course that's not normal!" Jake interrupted, not even letting Sunoo deny the declaration that he was a dumbass. Crossing his legs so he could move closer to the younger, Jake reiterated, "Not even a little."

"He just said they were pretty, that's all." Sunoo's lips pulled into a pout, fingers playing with the blades of grass next to his legs as he asked, quieter, "I mean, they are, right?"

Jake rolled his eyes in endearment, huffing a, "Very pretty, Sunooie," before he continued onto much more important things. "But that's not something you say to your girlfriend's friend who you recently kis-"

"We did not-" Sunoo cut Jake off only to fall silent as he came to that word himself, instead he finished, "Do that."

Another eye roll. "Then it is not normal to watch your girlfriend's friend undress and then comment on how pretty his body is."

Sunoo deadpanned the older, trying his best to pretend he wasn't also blushing at the prospect of that truly being what happened.

Feeling his stomach flip annoyingly, Sunoo clarified, "I did not say that was what happened at all. I said I had finished changing, Sunghoon then saw my tattoos and said he liked them."

Despite Sunoo's best efforts at playing this nonchalantly, shoulders shrugging and voice even, they both knew he was panicking. Ever since last night, when the incident had occurred, Sunoo had been spiraling through delusional fantasies and delusional truths and eventually they were blurring together.

Jake was no help.

Jake was supposed to tell Sunoo he was overreacting, seeing things that weren't there, entirely and completely insane for thinking Sunghoon looked at him for a fraction of a second longer than usual. Yes, Jake was supposed to call him a dumbass, but because he was creating feelings for Sunghoon, not because he wasn't seeing them.

"It sounds like there was tension."

"There was absolutely no tension."

"It sounds intimate."

"It was very, very distant if anything."

How had they gotten here? How was Sunoo the sensible one in all of this? Why wasn't Jake doing his job that Sunoo had not told him about but expected him to be very good at?

"And you still don't think you should tell-"

"Jake." Voice firm but low, Jake was cut off with a sigh and shake of his head.

"I know, I know." He assured, voice heavy like he couldn't handle the words. "There's nothing going on, and you don't want to ruin your friendship for something that will never amount to anything."

"Exactly." Sunoo nodded, feeling sick at the words he had told Jake himself.

Though he was going to follow them, though he believed that, the mere sound of the words made him uneasy. Whether it was the persistent feeling that he was lying to his friend, or the guilt in knowing he wished he was wrong in thinking he could never have Sunghoon, Sunoo was slowly starting to ache.

"Nothing will happen, Jake." As Sunoo spoke, his voice distant like he couldn't bring himself to regard them as reality, his eyes drifted over to their right.

There, in the open, for all to see, Dae clung onto Sunghoon as they spun around. Waiting for the coaches, they took the opportunity to melt in each other's arms, smiling and laughing at something Sunoo couldn't hear.

Besfriend's Boyfriend | sunsunWhere stories live. Discover now