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It was just so complicated. Complicated to the point Sunghoon didn't even know what he was thinking. It was like trying to solve an equation you didn't know the answer to, had never been taught how to solve, and you couldn't even see the damn question.

How was Sunghoon supposed to clear his mind, find a resolution to his thoughts, if he didn't even know the reason for this chaos?


"Yes?" Sunghoon breathed instantly, words almost overlapping as he looked up to Sunoo with the sound of his voice.

"C-can you pass me that, please?" He asked shyly, eyes struggling to meet his gaze, finger pointing to the salt next to Sunghoon.

"Sure I can." Grabbing the small, metal salt shaker, Sunghoon passed it to the younger. Their hands didn't touch, their fingers didn't brush. Sunghoon didn't know why he fixated on that. He let go and Sunoo was looking away again.

Before he registered why, Sunghoon asked, "Can I have that?"

Slowly, Sunoo looked up. His eyes seemed to scan his surroundings, looking for something that Sunghoon may want, but failing to do so. When Sunoo looked up at Sunghoon, the latter realised that even he didn't know what he wanted.

"I-" Eyes searching the table that only held the group's food and drinks, Sunghoon panicked and pointed at the jacket next to Sunoo. "That."

"M-" Sunoo looked over his shoulder to where his denim jacket lay, Sunoo having taken it off a few moments ago. Eyebrows furrowed, he returned to looking at Sunghoon, looking utterly perplexed as he finished, "My jacket?"

"Uhh- Yeah." If Sunghoon could form all of his thoughts into an image right now, it would just be one big question mark.

"Are you cold?"

Sunghoon registered Dae's voice and pulled his eyes away from Sunoo to notice everyone had begun to look at him. Understandable - he had just randomly asked for Sunoo's jacket.

Why had he done that again?

"Sure." He uttered, quickly correcting that to, "Yes."

" Hoon, it's literally an oven in here." Ni-ki chuckled, looking at Sunghoon like he was crazy.

That made Sunghoon feel uneasy, defensive. Before he could stop it, his voice came out a little harsh as he said, "Well, I'm cold."

But Sunghoon wasn't cold.

"Want mi-"

"Can I have it or not?" Sunghoon interrupted Dae's words, a little harsh as he spoke to Sunoo as well. It made him feel guilty but he was too far gone to back down now.

"O-oh, umm- Okay." It was like watching someone go through an emotion every millisecond but Sunoo finally evened out his expression long enough to pass the jacket over the table.

Then the fabric was in his hands. It was in his hands and he was supposed to do something with it.

Everyone was still looking at him, he could physically feel their eyes.

Pushing down whatever feeling grew inside of him, Sunghoon tugged the jacket over his shoulders so it covered the top of his arms and back.

And that was it. Sunghoon was wearing Sunoo's jacket. He kept his eyes down, not brave enough in the slightest to see if anyone was still looking at him. No, he kept his head down and ate.

Fuck, Sunghoon was hot.

It was big on him. He knew Sunoo's frame was larger than his, and he often wore oversized clothing too, so it wasn't a surprise to Sunghoon. Yet he made note of it. Specifically, Sunghoon thought of how all of Sunoo's clothes would be a bit bigger on him.

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