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"Hyung, have you seen my gym bag?" Sunoo asked, pulling on an oversized, grey tee over his black cargo pants.

"Try under your bed." Jungwon said without even looking up from his book.

Finding the bag almost instantly, Sunoo smiled, "Thanks, Hyung."

"You going to work out?"

"No, just dance practice." Sunoo tried not to smile or think about who he was going with, but that was hard when Sunoo hadn't stopped thinking about Sunghoon's fingers grazing his skin.

Just then, someone knocked on the door, making Sunoo stroll over and pull it open.

"Sunghoon?" Sunoo froze, eyes wide and questioning.

"Hyung." Sunghoon then corrected.

And like an idiot, Sunoo joked, "You can just call me Sunoo."

Laughing in disbelief, Sunghoon countered, "I'd prefer to call you a brat."

"I'm sure you would." Sunoo said before he could stop himself, ignoring his own blush to take pleasure in Sunghoon's.


"Can you two do this somewhere else?" Jungwon called from behind them both, making Sunoo grow unbelievably shy. "I've read the same sentence like five times."

Pretending that didn't make his cheeks burn, Sunoo turned back to Sunghoon. Now less confident, he asked, "W-why are you here, Hyung?"

The older looked clueless. As he looked around and avoided Sunoo's eyes, he shrugged, "Picking you up... for our... thing."

"O-oh." Butterflies exploded throughout Sunoo's body, making him lightheaded and giddy. "I thought we'd meet there."

"Oh." Sunghoon's eyes widened, looking shy as he pointed over his shoulder. "I can, like, go, if you'd prefer-"

"I want to go together." Sunoo interrupted, not just because it would be idiotic to turn Sunghoon away and drive separately but this was so dizzyingly close to a date that Sunoo was smiling on impulse.

"Me- Me too." Sunghoon breathed, his nerves melting into a smile. It turned shy before he was clearing his throat and asking, "You got your stuff? We should go if we're gonna make it on time."

"Right behind you." Sunoo turned to wave goodbye to Jungwon, only to find the older already staring with a smile, book forgotten in his lap.

"Have fun." He waved first, something glinting behind his eyes that made Sunoo even more shy. It made his butterflies even worse as he looked down and waved back, wondering how obvious he was becoming whenever he looked at Sunghoon.


The room was an exact copy of the one Sunoo usually danced in, though he always attended classes full of people and an instructor. Sunghoon, however, had organised a room for just the two of them, one he used often.

"I don't really like the attention... or the chance that my parents will find out." Sunghoon said the last part quieter, looking at the floor as he made his way across the room. "So I usually just rent this room whenever I wanna dance."

"Don't you need an instructor?" Sunoo moved across the room as well, the door falling shut behind him.

"Are you doubting my abilities?" Sunghoon looked over his shoulder with a challenging smirk, no malice in his tone.

Besfriend's Boyfriend | sunsunDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora