Chapter 21- Epilogue

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Patrick Little shook out his favourite newspaper. Its rustling drawing the knowing eyes of both Cat and Lucy. They watched with some apprehension as their father perused the headlines and their anxiety mounted as they saw their father lift his head to squint down his bi-focal at the small print, frowning. That had become something of a norm ever since his daughters and son started making headline news. Still, there was no knowing which daughter or son had made the cover of that day's paper, not until Patrick Little chose to inform them in no uncertain terms. So, the two waited with bated breath while Emily ranted in the kitchen to their mother.

"But I love him, Mama," cried out Emily, her footsteps doggedly following her mum's as she paced back and forth, busying herself over the stove.

"Who is it this time?" Lucy whispered over the table to Cat, who after noting the grunts and rumbles of disgust from their father, correctly deduced it was their brother's turn to get a tongue lashing from their father and had promptly turned back to her thick tome of books.

Cat shrugged. "It's a little hard to tell. Once she threw over Mark, Em had been flitting between several options."

Lucy snorted. "She's always flitting between several options."

Cat nodded knowingly, not lifting her gaze up and muttered. "Exactly."

A warbly coo rang out behind her and Cat promptly tore away her attention on the words in front of her to blink her baby blues at the infant who demanded her attention. Emeralds shone back at her, watering with affront.

"Is it feeding time already?" asked Lucy, interestedly.

Cat sighed, her breast still aching from the last romp and tug with the ferocious twins. "I thought I'd just fed her already," she sighed. "But that could have been her brother." She paused, frowning, as her tired mind tried to play it back. "Still, I wouldn't put it past this one to indulge in a double helping just to best her brother. She's positively diabolical that way."

"She must get that from her father," muttered Lucy, under her breath, unable to help herself. The Sadist was still a sore topic with her.

Cat chuckled, not in the least offended. "Oh, she does." Sadiq had a habit of coming back for seconds himself. Her smile widened as she thought back to her sleepless night before. She should really be falling all over her plate of pancakes that morning after the constant demands for attention from her babies and then their father. Sadiq had walked in in the wee hours of the morning just as she had finished settling the twins in back into their cribs for the last time that night. Her eyes had lit upon the sight of Sadiq, all male and travel weary as he stepped up to her and tugged her right into his arms. They had made short work of their clothes then and tumbled into bed and he had been every bit as ferocious in his appetite as had his babies.

Cat stifled a yawn and reached for the babe. Already six months old, Sara Little Al Fayyad was exquisite as she yabbered off in a warbled scold, demanding her mother pick her up and possibly feed her. But just as she did, her brother's attention was snagged and his howl of displeasure had his nana rushing out of the kitchen, spatula in hand and Emily hounding at her feet, as she demanded, "What's wrong with my baby?"

Cat turned a frown at Zaffir Little Al Fayyad. "You just had to do that didn't you. Rile up a storm." She tsk-tsked her son, before reaching for him too. "They're just attention seeking, mama. They have both been fed, washed and nappy changed. Their Amma will be here soon enough to rock them to sleep."

Mary Little harrumphed. "I still don't know why you need that stranger taking care of them. You have me."

"You're busy enough as is, Mama," cooed Cat, taking a leaf from her children and trying to charm her mother in acquiesce with the use of her childhood term for her. "The Amma will give you some time to yourself."

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