chapter 4

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"On lap dance please from Han Jisung" Hyunjin whispered to the man behind the counter, who was so buff and yet so small.

Though so much was happening for Lee know, dancing, kissing, lights, bars, so much, he didn't even notice what Hyunjin said.

Til it hit him, "LAP DANCE!!!" his voice bursting Hyunjin's ear drums, "No no no no no No!". He did not need a lap dance at that time, or ever

. Why did he have to be dragged to the worst place ever, not that he was complaining, but he did NOT need anything sexual happening to him.

He just wanted to go home and watch Saiki K while hanging out with Sonnie, Donngie, and Dori.

His eyes hurts so much from the lights, they were blasting in his eyes like lasers, he was just tired, tired of everything.

His life was already enough for him, his work, education, and especially Hyunjin. "Ummm... So no dance?", "Yes-" "No!". "No lap dance please" Lee know glared at Hyunjin, if he could his eyes would probably burn holes into Hyunjin's face.

Heck, even if he did Hyunjin would be so good damn beautiful still, life is unfair. "Whhhhhyyyyyyy???" The taller whined grabbing on to his arms and shaking it violently,

"One, Let go, and Two, because I don't want one" Lee know said trying to take his hands off his arm. The bartender behind the bar just stared at them, to say he wasn't embarrassed that he and Hyunjin made a random guy worried about them(*Breathes*) was an understatement.

"Ookkaaay" the bartender said looking at them, 'Great, now a random guy is concerned about us!'.

"Thank you, No HYUNJIN let's go" he said emphasizing the tallest name, "You're boring" the taller fought back.

"And you're a whiny baby you likes acting like a bitch", Hyunjin was flabbergasted to say the least but, he stayed quiet. They then walked out the bar, or attempted to but, Han walked up to them.

"How'd you like my performance Jagiya?" He asked looking so seductive.

a/n:ok y'all this is what we came up with

a.n:ok so bye-bye


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