chapter 20

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He's mine!" Han shouted afterwards. 

"And I don't like sharing" Han continued.

 Lee know was flabbergasted, shocked, and not going to lie but kinda turned on.
 Everyone then started laughing again, "Bro, calm your tits" Seungmin chuckled, Changbin joining.

 "Don't worry, I'm taken too, so you can keep what's yours" Seungmin added, emphasizing the word yours.

 All while Lee know just stood there blushing, like crazy, he was really flustered. 

"You hear that Lee know, Han said you are his!" Hyunjin said loud and clear enough for the next door neighbors to hear.

 "S-shut up" he mumbled, voice barely above a whisper, while fidgeting with his fingers, head down.

 "Hey mate you should probably sit down" the freckled Australian said having a huge smile on his face. 

Lee know obliged sitting down on the huge couch which was more like a huge bed but with borders.

 He sat in the back while everyone sat in a circle, but then suddenly something caught his eye.

 Han was crawling towards him, the other finally reaching their destination. "Hey Jagiya~" Han whispered in his ear sending visible shivers down his spine, increasingly turning him on.

 "H-hey" he said looking down fidgeting with his fingers as he always did when he got nervous.

 Then Han index finger picked his chin up making him share eye contact with the other, "Look at me baby". He half-lidded eyes killed him, everything did really, but this just worsened it.

 Lee know then dry swallowed out of anxiety, "What happened to confident Lee know who made out with me in the bathrooms?" Han again then whispered in his ear. 

"I-I was very d-drunk", "Do you have to be drunk to do that?" He then AGAIN seductively whispered.

 "N-n-no", "Then kiss me". His world stopped, should be do it? He did change but not emotionally! As he was thinking he was suddenly pulled into a warming kiss, fastening his heart beat. It felt good. Two puzzle pieces finally being reunited, their lips moving in synchrony.

 Smacking could be heard.

a/n:ahhhhhhhhhhh what did I post

a/n:ok ok I'll calm down

a/n:this is it so far

a/n:ok so bye-bye


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