Marcy at the Gates

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Sprig was running his fingers on the map. “Doo, doo, doo. Newtopia! Ugh. I can't believe it! It's been a long journey, but we're finally almost there.” He noticed Anne was looking at a photo of her friends while Y/N was lost in thought while listening to music.

Sprig: “Anne? Y/N?”

Anne: “Huh?”

Y/N: “Hmm?” He said, taking his headphones off.

Sprig: “Uh, I thought you two would be more excited.”

Anne: “I am excited. It's just… we've been traveling Amphibia for weeks. I thought there'd be some sign of Marcy by now. But nothin’.”

Y/N: “I got a lot of things on my mind right now. I just want to take it easy today.”

Sprig: “Maybe that's a good thing, Anne. Your last friend was kind of… totally evil.” He was reaching towards the photo but Anne swatted his hand away.

Anne: “Hey! Look, Sasha and I might be going through a rough patch, but that doesn't mean I don't care about her.”

Y/N: “Since she got zapped here with us, it must mean Marcy's here too.”

Anne: “Also, Marcy is completely different from Sasha. She's harmless.”

Flashback on Earth, where in gym class. Marcy was playing on her console in the middle of a volleyball game.

Marcy: “Boom, just cleared new game plus.”

Sebastian: “Heads up!”

Marcy was about to get hit until Anne hit the ball away.

Marcy: “Whoa! Thanks, Anne.”

Anne: “Hey, no problem.”

Coach: “Marcy, Sasha, Anne! You lose! William, Sebastian, and Y/N! You win!”

The next scene shows Marcy walking backwards down the hall while Sasha and Anne.

Marcy: “Okay. Sash, Anne. Dungeon's almost ready. Then we can finally play some Creatures and Caverns. Oh, yeah!”

Anne: “Locker door! Locker door!”

Marcy crouched down and avoided the locker. “Oop! That was close.”

Sasha: “One of these days, she's gonna get herself killed.”

Anne: “Ugh! Don't say that-Wet floor, wet floor!” She ran toward Marcy and stopped her from falling on the wet ground.

Marcy: “Oh, man. Where'd I be without you.” She noticed Johnny putting all of his things from his locker into his duffel bag until she tapped his shoulder to get his attention.

Johnny: "Oh, hey Marcy."

Marcy: "Hi Johnny. I have a question."

Johnny: "If it's school related, you're asking the wrong guy."

Marcy: "No, it's not that. I wanted to ask if you know where Y/N is. I want to know if he's still down for our game night."

Johnny: "No, I haven't seen him." He shoved everything from his locker into his duffel bag before closing it.

Marcy: "Also, do you know where he is?"

Johnny: "Nope." He put his duffel bag over his back.

Student A: "Guys! Y/N just ran out of the campus with his shit! And Imelda is chasing after him on her golf cart!"

Everyone looked out the windows and saw Y/N hopping over the school fence and running home. Everyone cheered for him as Johnny checked his watch.

Marcy: "He's so cool..."

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