Scavenger Hunt

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The gang was seen getting treated with burgers by Marcy.

Marcy: “Enjoy, everyone! This place makes the best beetle burgers in all of Newtopia!”

The gang started digging into their burgers as Polly noticed Marcy's journal.

Polly: “What's that?”

Marcy: “Oh, just my journal. I like jottin’ down theories and observations. You know, all about indigenous fauna, medicinal techniques, customs and nuances of Amphibious species-based caste systems… Sometimes I even do drawings.” She showed Polly the quick sketch she did on her eating the burger.

Polly: “It looks just like me.”

Y/N: “Neat. I often write and sketch weapons, clothes, potions, plants, and monsters during our travels.” He lent Marcy his notes.

Marcy: “Ooh, a lot of Sci-fi stuff in here.”

Hop Pop: “Wow! Anne, have you been keeping a journal too?”

Anne turned back to the group with straws up her nose. “Look, guys! I'm a straw-lrus! Like a walrus, but with straws!”

Sprig laughed before wiping a tear from his eye. “What's a walrus?”

A waiter walked up to the table with a check.

Waiter: “Now, who should I give the bill to?” He noticed Anne. “Probably not you.”

Marcy: “Oh! I'll take it! It's, oh, let me guess… 28 coppers?”

Waiter: “Right you are.”

The gang clapped at Marcy's intelligence.

Hop Pop: “Wow! Can you do math like that too, Anne?”

Anne blew out the straws from her nose.

Anne: “Uh, you mean like with numbers and stuff?”

Y/N: “Yup.”

Polly: “Can you imagine if Marcy got stuck with us instead of Anne? We'd be set for life!”

Hop Pop: “Hush, Polly. Think those thoughts, don't say them.”

Anne: “Oh, yeah? Well-Ah! Look out!”

The gang ducked an arrow heading for them. There was a note attached to it.

Hop Pop: “Someone's trying to kill us!”

Marcy: “It's fine. It's just a message from the king.” She opened it up. “Oh, correction. It's a puzzle gram from the king.”

Anne, Sprig, Polly, Hop Pop, and Y/N: “What?”

Marcy: “He's basically hidden clues around the city and when I collect them all, I get a message. Ah! It's so fun! Okay, this first symbol is a tree, so we should head towards Coral Park. Now come on, team. It's puzzle time!”

Y/N: “Sorry. I can't. Still putting the finishing touches on your new cape at the fwagon.” He put a tip down on the table. “See y'all later.”

Sprig: “A puzzle tour of Newtopia? Count me in!” He and Anne got up from the table leaving Hop Pop and Polly.

Hop Pop: “Come on, Polly! This may be our most exciting adventure yet!”

The waiter came back to clean their table. “Hey, thanks for coming in. Would you like to join our customer loyalty program? You can get free gifts?”

Hop Pop: “Gifts? Free?”

Polly: “Oh, no.”

The rest of the gang was walking around Newtopia. Anne and Sprig walking behind Marcy.

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