"Normal" Day

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Y/N: "Welp. I'm grounded." He was seen in a bed inside the luxurious hotel he, the Plantars, and Anne were staying at.

Y/N: "No games, no books, no drawings, no music, no nothing. Just the clothes on my back. But its just for today." He laid back and stopped when something poked his back. He reached back and pulled out his glasses.

Y/N: "Oh right. They didn't take my glasses." He put them on and saw that everything looked normal.

Y/N: "Duh." He lightly smacked the side of his head. "Appraisal."

Right on cue, the glasses activated and scanned everything in the room. Even looking through a couple of walls to see the Newts around.

Y/N: "Whoa. That's a worker making a cappuccino, and that one's modeling for a photo, and those two are... hehe. Oh, man. If anyone tries to rip me off in one of those ball in a cup game, I can just use this to out cheat them. Hmm?" He looked at the closet and saw most of his stuff in there.

Y/N: "Ah! They told me they stashed all my stuff away in the fwagon." He walked over to the closet and looked through his stuff until deciding to take it easy for the day and pulled out his handheld console.

Y/N: "It's been a while since I played this thing. Always got busy handling chores and stuff." He jumped back in his bed and booted the thing up.

Y/N: "Oh, man. Most of these games require internet access. Curse you! Whatever." He picked a random game that didn't require internet.

Y/N: "I wonder what the guys back home have been doing? And if they've been lacking on their training I'll be sure to beat their asses into the ground."

An hour later...

Y/N: "Checkpoint hit and I'm bored again." He put the console back into the closet before laying back in his head and looking up at the ceiling.

Y/N: "I'm so flarkin' bored!" He closed his eyes in annoyance.


Y/N then got an idea before getting the console out of the closet again. He saw that some videos were downloaded.

Y/N: "Hell yeah. Time to watch some brain numbing videos."


Droid: "So this is the dealio. Truth or Drink. If someone doesn't wanna answer a question they have to take a shot."

Grizzy: "Oh, this is was supposed to be with hot sauce?"

Droid: "Yeah. I mean, do you wanna try it?"

Grizzy: "No."

Pezzy: "He's a pussy dude."

Grizzy: "Y'all keep it at 89 fucking degrees in this house. You think I want hot sauce right now?"

Droid: "That's all Pezzy bruh."

Grizzy: "Bitch, you were just freezing before the stream."

Droid: "I was freezing." He looked at his hand and touched Grizzy in the arm who was sitting next to him.

Grizzy immediately flinched. "Yo!"

Droid: "Told you. I'm freezing."

Pezzy reached out to touch his hand. He also got surprised by it. "Are you okay?"

Puffer interlocked his fingers with Droid, no homo or anything like that.

Droid: "Oh my god... I am now."

The guys laughed before Puffer moved his hand. Once that was out of their systems Puffer asked a good question.

Puffer: "How are we doing this?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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